Haha they do this in some Chinese restaurants here
I remember they would have fish tanks for the fish and when I was a kid, I’d go watch them swim
Then you’d see the chef fish one out with a net and soon it’ll be on your table to eat 💀
I was at a party once as a child. Some guys were fishing them straight out of a lake and then just grilled the fish. I was a bit disgusted, so I ate nothing there.
Also speaking of Sanji and space....


Did you know RH negative blood exists in this world? Scientist's believe that (RH) negative blood may belong to the Nephilim – a parallel race to us humans.

Recent studies have shown that this rare blood group may indicate non-human traits in the makeup which set you apart from the conventional DNA of homo sapiens.

Here are the characteristics of RH blood :

Higher than average IQ

More sensitive vision and other senses.

Lower body temperature

Higher blood pressure

Increased occurrence of psychic/intuitive abilities

We know that Sanji is able to hear the voice of women. He is the smartest straw hat who went on solo mission in Water 7/Enies Lobby arc and also was able to outsmart Crocodile.

In SBS volume 71 , Oda confirmed that Sanji has speciality in observation haki.

His Diable Jambe may based on the planets of the solar system. All the planets rotates in anticlockwise except one planet which is venus.

Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. Not to mention that Venus is named the Roman mythological goddess of love.

Holy fuck Oda....


Also more fuel for your Sanji theories/speculations/wishes/dreams/whatever:


@Sanji D Goat @BleakAsh @Bango🍅 @NotTommy @YASER @Hiragaro @Vinsmoke D. Zolo @Doggo
there are alot of there regarding Sanji but the space connections are actually eye-catching given the hints oda has laid out from the beginning..


Are you down in self confidence or do you think your talks can irritate people?

I mean being extrovert doesn't equate to irritating others lol
Both to be honest.

It does. Maybe just my opinion. But extroverted people are a bit irritating.
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Yea hints which even whole community together can't solve.


Ghost Princess
I just hate irritating kids. Interfering into everything. Those are the types I avoid. Whereas introverted kids just mind their own business definately not as irritating as them
Hmm idk most kids I see are pretty well behaved. But I don’t interact with kids on a daily basis. It’s usually when the parents give no fuck to what their kids are doing that annoys me like they let them wander off etc


Hmm idk most kids I see are pretty well behaved. But I don’t interact with kids on a daily basis. It’s usually when the parents give no fuck to what their kids are doing that annoys me like they let them wander off etc
Yea precisely those kinds and those kinds are My cousins.