If you deny the fact that there was looney tune shit going on in the awakening of Luffy's devil fruit you're a bigger Oda gobbler than I could have even imagined.
wtf are saying? i don’t want to repeat myself again after two months. everything luffy did was in the realm of rubber, so in the realm of its powers. if you want to know more about toon force read wikipedia or watch popeye, because i’ve never seen luffy kicking the sun
From where this BS "kaido dies from lava" is coming up?

There is only one way kaido is dying and that is under the swords of Zoro:amazing::funky:

*Disappears quickly into shadows*
stay there 7_7
you are recommended to remain there things go south on your
I love wano arc, it's my favorite after ennies lobby. I enjoyed it so much it made me cry, laugh and feel all kinds of things reading it idk why people call it a shitty arc, i wonder if all they is for the story to go the way they want.
nvm the pointless backlash.. enjoy the story the way you are.. no one has a say in how you want to feel about it..don't degrade your experience my paying mind to jobbers who have nothing good to say..
if you love it.. you love it thats that for whatever reason it be.. whether for short yet profound moments or the whole arc in general.. I'm betting on the initial.. thats your way of enjoying it.. switching to scrutiny of the series by arguing with nitwit is gonna ruin your fun

do so at your experience's expense
wtf you are saying, i don’t want to repeat me again after two months. everything luffy did was in the realm of rubber, so in the realm of its powers. if you want to know more about toon force read wikipedia or watch popeye, because i’ve never seen luffy kicking the sun
The eyes of characters other than Luffy (Nami, Kidd, Law) becoming straight up cartoon like with their eye sockets popping out meters from their skull and essentially became Air Jesus for a chapter as he was quite literally running on the sky is all within the realm of rubber? That's hysterical

spartans! prepare for glory!

and you all know that for spartans glory = death.
Kaido is finally going to die a glorious death, he has pushed joyboy to finally awaken.
suddenly chapter becomes hype… kaido the greatest
Kaido turning into a statue by a Volcano isn't really a glorious death lol

At least not the kind he wanted, like Whitebeard and Roger
Kaido turning into a statue by a Volcano isn't really a glorious death lol

At least not the kind he wanted, like Whitebeard and Roger
whitebeard was shot, while roger killed by fodder. it’s the meaning behind. Roger started the great era of piracy, Whitebeard confirmed the existence of One Piece and basically destroyed every Marine’s purpose with just one sentence. Kaido has pushed JB to awaken