Did Luffy Beat Kaido Fairly?

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Oof, giving arguments against ZKK is fine, but at least make sure they're good arguments.

-If Luffy telling Zoro not to interfere in his fight with Kaido didn't deter them
Luffy told Zoro he's got it.
Luffy has to win 1v1 against Kaido, otherwise, he doesn't even achieve the 1 thing he set out to do for this arc.
However, the first 'K' in 'ZKK' doesn't stand for "defeat", it stands for "kills".
Zoro can kill Kaido after Luffy has defeated him. An argument that has been made millions of times.
-If Zoro cutting King's Dragon above the flower capital, thus fulfilling the parallel didn't deter them
Zoro didn't cut King's dragon above the Flower Capital.
Oda draws a nice little diagram showing you that we're not above the capital.
-If Zoro literally suffering 2x the damage from getting all his bones broken and being on deaths doorstep didn't deter them
So what if he's suffered a lot of damage?
This is a Shonen. A character can "surpass their limits".
Not to mention, there's numerous ways Oda can get Zoro healed temporarily if he chooses to do so.
-If Kaido himself confirming that he will be defeated by Joyboy didn't deter them
Kaido said the one who defeats him is Joyboy. This is correct. Luffy has defeated him and he is Joyboy.
Similarly, Kaido said that he would let a monster Samurai of Oden's like kill him.
If we truly care about what Kaido says, we cannot ignore that.
-If Luffy being declared the winner didn't deter them
Luffy as I said *has* to win this fight.
Zoro cannot kill Kaido if Luffy doesn't even manage to break the idea of Kaido being the 1v1 king.
-If Kaido literally falling into magma deep in the earths crust paralleling Oden's death didn't deter them
Oden died from a gunshot.
I guess you mean surviving a boiling is the parallel between the two?

Maybe Oda simply doesn't want Kaido to die due to anyone.
Instead, he dies to supernatural forces, or maybe he doesn't die and he's stuck forever immobile and the idea of him being un-killable remains but he still gets taken out of the story.

It doesn't matter which side you're on, use better arguments.
Anyone who still think admirals ant beating a yonko is just stupid, and akainu is the strongest kaido final form is a fake version of akainu lol akainu is definitely beating kaido in a 1v1 even big mom oda has hinted that akainu is a beast
Yeah Explain Akainu beating BM and kaido 1v1 when he coupent KO sickbeard whose stays are all below kaido and BM

It took island /country level attacks + others stuff to end BM and Kaido
Lemme remind you that BM can heal herself and Kaido can recover fast too.

Debating Akainu vs BM/Yonko is dumb
No admiral has enough firepower to KO them
Unless Akainu can spam island level lava attacks on them where they aren't defending themselves
Oof, giving arguments against ZKK is fine, but at least make sure they're good arguments.

Luffy told Zoro he's got it.
Luffy has to win 1v1 against Kaido, otherwise, he doesn't even achieve the 1 thing he set out to do for this arc.
However, the first 'K' in 'ZKK' doesn't stand for "defeat", it stands for "kills".
Zoro can kill Kaido after Luffy has defeated him. An argument that has been made millions of times.

Zoro didn't cut King's dragon above the Flower Capital.
Oda draws a nice little diagram showing you that we're not above the capital.

So what if he's suffered a lot of damage?
This is a Shonen. A character can "surpass their limits".
Not to mention, there's numerous ways Oda can get Zoro healed temporarily if he chooses to do so.

Kaido said the one who defeats him is Joyboy. This is correct. Luffy has defeated him and he is Joyboy.
Similarly, Kaido said that he would let a monster Samurai of Oden's like kill him.
If we truly care about what Kaido says, we cannot ignore that.

Luffy as I said *has* to win this fight.
Zoro cannot kill Kaido if Luffy doesn't even manage to break the idea of Kaido being the 1v1 king.

Oden died from a gunshot.
I guess you mean surviving a boiling is the parallel between the two?

Maybe Oda simply doesn't want Kaido to die due to anyone.
Instead, he dies to supernatural forces, or maybe he doesn't die and he's stuck forever immobile and the idea of him being un-killable remains but he still gets taken out of the story.

It doesn't matter which side you're on, use better arguments.
Just quit defending your dumb theory
Get something better to do
Not the best time to join the Admiral bandwagon atm @ShishioIsBack
At this rate, every living Top Tiers from previous era, from Admirals to Yonkos to Mihawk to Dragon to Garp, will be ruined by Oda one by one.

Wano tells Garp is a fraud. Wano tells Kaido won thanks to hostage. WCI tells Big Mom is a meme. Post timeskip tells Akainu is now indecisive. Reverie tells Dragon is a coward and Fujitora got bandaged even with Green Bull's back up.
Just dont associate with anything outside of the Momoshiki fight and Baryon Mode vs. Isshiki fight
Good points

There was potential for Boruto: Mitsuki, Sumire with Nue, Himawari low diffing Naruto and Kurama and friending Shukaku, etc. But, it just became Boruto everything.

I know some people write that Oda gives too much panel to small bit characters but in Boruto (manga) it is 90% main character and 70% Rasengan.
i would assume that BM was resisting till because she was conscious and is using her haki to protect herself. maybe she could not use her DF to get out because of sea stones in the magma she will die if she lost her haki.
Not the best time to join the Admiral bandwagon atm @ShishioIsBack
At this rate, every living Top Tiers from previous era, from Admirals to Yonkos to Mihawk to Dragon to Garp, will be ruined by Oda one by one.

Wano tells Garp is a fraud. Wano tells Kaido won thanks to hostage. WCI tells Big Mom is a meme. Post timeskip tells Akainu is now indecisive. Reverie tells Dragon is a coward and Fujitora got bandaged even with Green Bull's back up.
Dragon is the worst
The dude looks so dumb as a leader

yamato and zoro are clearly on Kidd and law level. you really think sanji can go on par with Zoro and yamato?
one Adv coc hit and he's out.
You're replying to a bozo that has 20 different accounts in here, according to her Midd having CoC(he doesn't have it) makes him the shit and stronger than everyone ever, Zoro and Yamato having AdCoC makes them as strong as a literal nobody that she also loves to suck off.
Only the very strongest having AdCoC and haki surpassing all is filler for that crackhead. :myman:
the question is are BM and Kaido are dead or just taking a hot bath lol
well if they unconscious they will not survive magma but if they are conscious and cover themselves in ruyo like Oden did they will survive a little bit longer but if they were conscious they will just get out.
Yeah, like what does Big Mom being there already even mean lmaooo
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