Did Luffy Beat Kaido Fairly?

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I think Wano will probably end at 1100. Act 3 will end at 100 chapter mark (1055). Idk wwhat you're trying to say. I didn't say anything about the quality of anything. Besides if it didn't fit my agenda, shouldn't I be criticizing my "headcannon" didn't happen. Check my older posts. I'm pretty consistent when I say Act 3 will most likely end at 1055 which would make Act 3 100 chapters and that Wano will be a 5 act structure.
Wano is ending in 20 chapters tops and that's just being generous, personally I see it ending around 1065-7.


Lead them to paradise.
Dude watch ashura closely
He is literally I mean literally leaking in blood
Yeah I know he did damage him, but its not tons and it was from the initial hit, he healed from it pretty fast afterweards so please dont tell me that one single hit did some insane damage when earlier you yourself believed Kaido to be close to 100% in your Luffy downplaing post.
I think Wano will probably end at 1100. Act 3 will end at 100 chapter mark (1055). Idk wwhat you're trying to say. I didn't say anything about the quality of anything. Besides if it didn't fit my agenda, shouldn't I be criticizing my "headcannon" didn't happen. Check my older posts. I'm pretty consistent when I say Act 3 will most likely end at 1055 which would make Act 3 100 chapters and that Wano will be a 5 act structure.




Enjoy this ratio and enjoy seeing Wano probably end around 1060-1065.
.................................. :ohreally:, did Oda retcon this.
No as we answered here.
No he wasn't.
That's what you get from listening to Artur's dogshit interpretations because he can't remain unpartial when translating.

Yasui's VC has the devil fruit section left empty but it does not state he didnt eat one.

Plenty of characters had their haki/df section empty before Oda revealed them in the story
He never stated this, the VC just didn't mention if he was a smile user or not (which he isn't since he ate the leftovers of the fruit which cannot grant powers anymore).
What's the point of hiding Reiju and Ichiji and then having Brûlée wondering, not confirming, that it must be them, and then commenting on how inexplicably the books got fire if, at the end of the day, they invaders truly were the siblings.

For real, is such a dumb move from Oda that I still want Devon to be turning other people into the siblings and Shiryu burning the books. The siblings being the invaders has zero interest.

Rest of the chapter seems equally irrelevant. Oda not letting us see adult Momonosuke is exhausting, and both Kaidou and Big Mom in the magmatic depths sounds fishy as hell. How are they going to recover them from there? Because they either die there, someone capable of going down there rescues them (and I can only think of Sakazuki), something crazy happens with Mount Fuji (like an eruption sending them away) or they are both coming back at some point.
My only concern is big mom.

There is possibility she will use her awakening to help herself and escape not sure on kaido.

Big mom still needs to be there in elbaf. She needs to learn about what happened to caramel and her feud with giants .
Wano is ending in 20 chapters tops and that's just being generous, personally I see it ending around 1065-7.
Act 3 alone is almost 100 chapters literally only 5 chapters left. If Oda wanted to keep his Kabuki play, he would have made Kaido defeating Luffy from CP0 interference as Act 3's tragedy and then do Act 4 right there. Besides that, we already know Oda drags on arcs so idk why people think Oda is rushing the story now of all times when he hasn't before.
Also I don't believe Morj wanted the raid to fail because of the deeper themes of the Arc.
Long before it started he was already doing videos on how Wano was going to something over 200+ chapters, he is just being consistent with his prediction because even before reading it he already thought Luffy and the Strawhats would have a big failure against Kaidou (which never came).
.................................. :ohreally:, did Oda retcon this.
Vivre cards are a combination of info summary and some new tidbits but they have never been absolute, since people can't tell what is summary and what is new confirmed info you end up with translators deciding what to make of it and then it snowballs into headcanon
Yeah true, you reap what you sow
What surprised me that there's not many threads about ZKK being bumped last week :pepebusi:
Maybe this week will change :pepestrike:
The positive side is that there's no break this week so we Zoro bros won't have to endure that long :pagemoji:
It is near impossible to bully Zoro fans
They are the most vocal, violent, and passionate of all OP Fanbases

it’s like trying to troll Crocodiles and Tigers
Act 3 alone is almost 100 chapters literally only 5 chapters left. If Oda wanted to keep his Kabuki play, he would have made Kaido defeating Luffy from CP0 interference as Act 3's tragedy and then do Act 4 right there. Besides that, we already know Oda drags on arcs so idk why people think Oda is rushing the story now of all times when he hasn't before.
He is not rushing anything, everyone has been defeated, what would he drag lol?
Move on...
Post automatically merged:

@Extravlad @The Strawhats Bible you can bet oda will say big mom and kaido already use awaking fruit in wano arc and wci for whole time in SBS.

OF course people will not be pleased. They have to accept it .

‘’If katakuri and doflimingo know awaking , then big mom and kaido already used awaking power.
That's what I believe as well.
Unfortunately it is what it is
He is not rushing anything, everyone has been defeated, what would he drag lol?
Move on...
People were literally complaining hours ago about how the Scabbards came out of nowhere and how Kaido was defeated without the citizens noticing them. Oda might just be dragging on the fake victory before Kaido awakens. He's still in Wano. Not to mention Oda hasn't shown the CP0 agent announcing anything yet to the WG/Marine ships.
People were literally complaining hours ago about how the Scabbards came out of nowhere and how Kaido was defeated without the citizens noticing them. Oda might just be dragging on the fake victory before Kaido awakens. He's still in Wano. Not to mention Oda hasn't shown the CP0 agent announcing anything yet to the WG/Marine ships.
Yeah because Kaido was just defeated...
Relax all your answers will come in the next chapters. Kaido is either already awakened or never used it. He already admitted defeat to Joy Boy last chapter, it's over.
People have criticized WCI so many times. Wano is about to finish. Sorry. But WCI has better atmosphere, character design and world design. WCI dont meet any expectations. The only beautiful part was Oden flashback and a couple of good chapter during 4 years.

7-8 villain kaido deserved more epic death and feasts.
ZKK is dead.
Kaido flashback is dead.
Epic death in the alliance side is dead.
Serious consequences are dead.

Thats your opinion and it doesn't matter.
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