You don't drop to their standards, that's my point. You don't see issue with a little girl thinking it's OK to brainwash and enslaves hundreds of people?
Come on guys, you're not helping my despair right now.

What is she gonna grow up to be like then?

They call it a slippery slope for a reason.

She may grow up and not abuse her powers like that, but she could also become much worse with them too.

Fighting fire with fire doesn't help, an eye for an eye.

But muh innocent helpless child lmfao.

Oda has shown children are not always innocent and helpless either so she's clearly capable of great evil if she wanted to especially.

What if she told the gifters to commit suicide? Or to murder, pillage, destroy etc?

But like with what happens to Solis on here unfortunately, a bunch of depraved manchildren are gonna start calling me a Karen sooner or later too, especially for being so unapologetically vocal and honest.
Absolutely deplorable and immature behaviour but you know, fuck morals/ethic right?
The same happens to humans in real world who act like animals on a whim. They get put into jail.
You don't drop to their standards, that's my point. You don't see issue with a little girl thinking it's OK to brainwash and enslaves hundreds of people?
Come on guys, you're not helping my despair right now.

What is she gonna grow up to be like then?

They call it a slippery slope for a reason.

She may grow up and not abuse her powers like that, but she could also become much worse with them too.

Fighting fire with fire doesn't help, an eye for an eye.

But muh innocent helpless child lmfao.

Oda has shown children are not always innocent and helpless either so she's clearly capable of great evil if she wanted to especially.

What if she told the gifters to commit suicide? Or to murder, pillage, destroy etc?
Hahaha you make me laugh. Genuinely. Why tf are you so so over analysing a character to go as far as questioning what ifs scenarios? It’s not that deep brother.

She didn’t wish her powers bro. She wants to fight for her country. How else would she fight without her powers? She is using her powers for good and there’s nothing wrong with this. It’s certainly not called “coming down to their standards”. Rather as simple as “defending”.

Gorosei Informer

I'm gonna go DM the admins, I've had enough. I'm sure some of you will be glad to see me go including @Wiwi.

This place just keeps wrecking/low difficult my mental health. I genuinely don't want to be here anymore.

I'm not even angry anymore, just hurt, disappointed, tired and fed up.

I can't defend/justify being here anymore.

It was nice knowing a bunch of you, but I should have done this a while ago too for my own good.

I appreciate certain people who treated with respect, understanding, kindness, sincerity, positivity, care etc.

Take care of yourselves, be well. It was nice knowing those of you especially.

Hahaha you make me laugh. Genuinely. Why tf are you so so over analysing a character to go as far as questioning what ifs scenarios? It’s not that deep brother.

She didn’t wish her powers bro. She wants to fight for her country. How else would she fight without her powers? She is using her powers for good and there’s nothing wrong with this. It’s certainly not called “coming down to their standards”.
I'm blaming Oda not her. Was I not clear enough? Its fucking terrible writing.

But you guys will fight to the death to defend this series and Oda genuinely, like your lives depend on it.

Oda could have Shinobu train her in ninjutsu as she wants to be a ninja or even give her a different DF, its not difficult.

Carry on with the condescending and insulting attitudes though, you're just giving me ammunition in regards to how deranged the Stanbase is.

Enjoy watching the series get worse and worse and persistently denying it and acting like nothing is wrong with it.
I'm gonna go DM the admins, I've had enough. I'm sure some of you will be glad to see me go including @Wiwi.

This place just keeps wrecking/low difficult my mental health. I genuinely don't want to be here anymore.

I'm not even angry anymore, just hurt, disappointed, tired and fed up.

I can't defend/justify being here anymore.

It was nice knowing a bunch of you, but I should have done this a while ago too for my own good.

I appreciate certain people who treated with respect, understanding, kindness, sincerity, positivity, care etc.

Take care of yourselves, be well. It was nice knowing those of you especially.

I'm blaming Oda not her. Was I not clear enough? Its fucking terrible writing.

But you guys will fight to the death to defend this series and Oda genuinely, like your lives depend on it.

Oda could have Shinobu train her in ninjutsu as she wants to be a ninja or even give her a different DF, its not difficult.

Carry on with the condescending and insulting attitudes though, you're just giving me ammunition in regards to how deranged the Stanbase is.

Enjoy watching the series get worse and worse and persistently denying it and acting like nothing is wrong with it.
Damn man you can always come back when you're feeling better. Don't let people here get to you
I'm gonna go DM the admins, I've had enough. I'm sure some of you will be glad to see me go including @Wiwi.

This place just keeps wrecking/low difficult my mental health. I genuinely don't want to be here anymore.

I'm not even angry anymore, just hurt, disappointed, tired and fed up.

I can't defend/justify being here anymore.

It was nice knowing a bunch of you, but I should have done this a while ago too for my own good.

I appreciate certain people who treated with respect, understanding, kindness, sincerity, positivity, care etc.

Take care of yourselves, be well. It was nice knowing those of you especially.

I'm blaming Oda not her. Was I not clear enough? Its fucking terrible writing.

But you guys will fight to the death to defend this series and Oda genuinely, like your lives depend on it.

Oda could have Shinobu train her in ninjutsu as she wants to be a ninja or even give her a different DF, its not difficult.

Carry on with the condescending and insulting attitudes though, you're just giving me ammunition in regards to how deranged the Stanbase is.

Enjoy watching the series get worse and worse and persistently denying it and acting like nothing is wrong with it.
What are you even blabbering about? How did I even became condescending? And insulting attitude? I'm just trying to call out your absurdity. I am just trying to make you understand that you're unnecessarily creating scenarios for a character that will surely not even happen and you're getting disappointed over it.

Oda could have Shinobu train her in ninjutsu as she wants to be a ninja or even give her a different DF, its not difficult.
If Oda wants to make a strong-minded child, I don't see why you gotta have problem with it?

But you guys will fight to the death to defend this series and Oda genuinely, like your lives depend on it. Enjoy watching the series get worse and worse and persistently denying it and acting like nothing is wrong with it.
I don't even know how you reached this conclusion. It's called opinions. If I have opinions in favor of certain elements of story that doesn't make me a dickrider. You're the one who's acting like an immature brat who throws tantrums if someone doesn't agree with you or says stuff that you don't wanna hear.[/QUOTE]