Gorosei Informer

Just look at how certain people are responding to me here and you see why I want to leave and why this place constantly gets called toxic and hated by other places too.
It's feeling disingenuous from Reddit lately.

@Ghostly Reflections just take a break. Don't let things get to you too much. You're one of the nicest users I've met here and it
would be sad if you left -_-...
I would agree Flowa but this is a long term issue that a break won't resolve either tbh. Once my heart is set, there's no going back. I've learned the hard way that things only get worse if I stay and dont leave somewhere when I want to go.

I'm tired for being attacked on here many times now because irrational OP fans can't handle opinions that go against the popular hivemind and then project and say you're the intolerant one instead.

I appreciate that but I have to do what's what's for myself too. I've been feeling less welcome on here for a while now, like a growing resentment towards me on here by some others over time.

I've had my fun but I can't stay for the sake of my own good, I have to be selfish here unfortunately.

You're one of the nicest amd best users here too and I genuinely appreciate knowing and talking to you too, thank you.

Don’t go bro

I know Oda is ruining OP for us with this shitty arc but better times are on the horizon
The community is whats doing it for me far more than the story. I actually enjoyed last chapter and even reread it twice to confirm. Same with MHA too I enjoyed it, but im seeing so much negativity for both and I feel the immense irony as I've been very negative about OP recently too.

@Ghostly Reflections bro don't go and don't let people go on your head. What will happen when there will be a missing clown in the clown trio? We will die without you broooo
Thank you but I have to for my own sake. Those responses from others are just making it easier for me, the ones attacking me I mean.

It's funny as I liked those people too, I've chatted with them, I follow them on here, I thought they liked me too but they've turned on me so quickly and easily and are doubling down right now too. They're not the only ones to do this too.

Certain other people have left this site or taken breaks for similar reasons, some of them outright reached to me and told me they felt they couldn't be honest on here, they felt bullied/harassed or at least unhappy and such.

Akai2 has disappeared on us, we lost PeperLevi, Wonderful World, Queek D Headtaker for whatever reasons too but I know why Wonderful left to some degree at least too.

A certain someone else reached out to me and confided they felt hurt, targeted, bullied etc on here after a certain big incident too. I won't name who for their sake as they reached out to me privately/in confidentiality and I don't want them to risk getting bullied/targeted again.

Even I regretfully got involved with the harassment and bullying of @Lance_Dragonite and I'm not proud of that at all in hindsight. A lot of you guys honestly don't deserve what he does for you, like ot or not. Same with the other providers. Nobody is perfect but he risks a LOT for us like they do and does a LOT for us too. You won't really realise or understand it until he stops one day for whatever reason he does and then you'll probably just blame him and act innocent anyway.
Lance has shown he does care and is a good person but it seems to go over your heads as proven by the constant jabs at his expense on here.

We really take our providers for granted especially given how you guys so desperately beg for and try to guess the hints and spoilers. You act like entitled children not getting their treats then project onto people like me when we call you out too as I'm sure you'll do right now too.
I'm gonna go DM the admins, I've had enough. I'm sure some of you will be glad to see me go including @Wiwi.

This place just keeps wrecking/low difficult my mental health. I genuinely don't want to be here anymore.

I'm not even angry anymore, just hurt, disappointed, tired and fed up.

I can't defend/justify being here anymore.

It was nice knowing a bunch of you, but I should have done this a while ago too for my own good.

I appreciate certain people who treated with respect, understanding, kindness, sincerity, positivity, care etc.

Take care of yourselves, be well. It was nice knowing those of you especially.

I'm blaming Oda not her. Was I not clear enough? Its fucking terrible writing.

But you guys will fight to the death to defend this series and Oda genuinely, like your lives depend on it.

Oda could have Shinobu train her in ninjutsu as she wants to be a ninja or even give her a different DF, its not difficult.

Carry on with the condescending and insulting attitudes though, you're just giving me ammunition in regards to how deranged the Stanbase is.

Enjoy watching the series get worse and worse and persistently denying it and acting like nothing is wrong with it.
Man don't leave this forum.
Just don't let the toxicity enter your brain. I too used to get annoyed too much about certain things but now I know different people have differnet opinions that you can't change. Nothing wrong about it.
Except few who are dread serious about something,this is a nice place. IF Op doesn't interest you take a break from it, no need for negative energy to let eat you up and come back after few weeks,
Search for Downfall of One Piece, it's a 6 hour long video by Drizzt

he says a lot of bullshit, but he also says a lot of good criticism

so of course the community couldn't handle it, and downvoted it to hell

too bad Youtube removed the dislike bar :suresure:
Ah found it. (Link) Thank you very much! :cheers:

I will check it out later today. I like watching those, because it really helps to build a more informed opinion even if not every criticism is justified sometimes. But it's still better than watching/reading only "GOda" - Praise 24/7. Helped me a lot to improve my own writing in the past and to understand an audience better, too. :)
Just look at how certain people are responding to me here and you see why I want to leave and why this place constantly gets called toxic and hated by other places too.
It's feeling disingenuous from Reddit lately.

I would agree Flowa but this is a long term issue that a break won't resolve either tbh. Once my heart is set, there's no going back. I've learned the hard way that things only get worse if I stay and dont leave somewhere when I want to go.

I'm tired for being attacked on here many times now because irrational OP fans can't handle opinions that go against the popular hivemind and then project and say you're the intolerant one instead.

I appreciate that but I have to do what's what's for myself too. I've been feeling less welcome on here for a while now, like a growing resentment towards me on here by some others over time.

I've had my fun but I can't stay for the sake of my own good, I have to be selfish here unfortunately.

You're one of the nicest amd best users here too and I genuinely appreciate knowing and talking to you too, thank you.

The community is whats doing it for me far more than the story. I actually enjoyed last chapter and even reread it twice to confirm. Same with MHA too I enjoyed it, but im seeing so much negativity for both and I feel the immense irony as I've been very negative about OP recently too.

Thank you but I have to for my own sake. Those responses from others are just making it easier for me, the ones attacking me I mean.

It's funny as I liked those people too, I've chatted with them, I follow them on here, I thought they liked me too but they've turned on me so quickly and easily and are doubling down right now too. They're not the only ones to do this too.

Certain other people have left this site or taken breaks for similar reasons, some of them outright reached to me and told me they felt they couldn't be honest on here, they felt bullied/harassed or at least unhappy and such.

Akai2 has disappeared on us, we lost PeperLevi, Wonderful World, Queek D Headtaker for whatever reasons too but I know why Wonderful left to some degree at least too.

A certain someone else reached out to me and confided they felt hurt, targeted, bullied etc on here after a certain big incident too. I won't name who for their sake as they reached out to me privately/in confidentiality and I don't want them to risk getting bullied/targeted again.

Even I regretfully got involved with the harassment and bullying of @Lance_Dragonite and I'm not proud of that at all in hindsight. A lot of you guys honestly don't deserve what he does for you, like ot or not. Same with the other providers. Nobody is perfect but he risks a LOT for us like they do and does a LOT for us too. You won't really realise or understand it until he stops one day for whatever reason he does and then you'll probably just blame him and act innocent anyway.
Lance has shown he does care and is a good person but it seems to go over your heads as proven by the constant jabs at his expense on here.

We really take our providers for granted especially given how you guys so desperately beg for and try to guess the hints and spoilers. You act like entitled children not getting their treats then project onto people like me when we call you out too as I'm sure you'll do right now too.
I also don't get the hate people give Lance tbh

people feel entitled to spoilers, it's crazy

dude is doing a free service and risking getting caught every week

and motherfuckers just keep trash talking him

Gorosei Informer

Ghostly supported my every shitty theory. It will not fun without him
Thank you but seriously they are genuinely really good. Ive never heard them in the community before genuinely. You've pointed out stuff like the 8 years thing with Nami and the whales which just honestly blew my mind.

@Twin Milf @OnePiss and you are some of the best Nami fans I've seen, the best even overall. To have that kind of knowledge and deduction about her shows a lot of actual investment and undearstanding of her.

These are the kind of theories I loved for during the prime days of OP youtube and theories, the ones I would hang onto every word and wish they were true.

Those are the kind of quality posts we need more of around here and in the community. I see a lot of great theories get overshadowed or worse ridiculed too unfortunately.

I didn't even know about Kidd being based on the Bull Demon King that Wukong defeats in Journey To The West. It could also be Green Bull potentially anf alternatively ofc. But Kidd did seem fitting for it.
Kaido is obviously the dragon king that Wukong defeats too ofc.
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Just look at how certain people are responding to me here and you see why I want to leave and why this place constantly gets called toxic and hated by other places too.
It's feeling disingenuous from Reddit lately.

I would agree Flowa but this is a long term issue that a break won't resolve either tbh. Once my heart is set, there's no going back. I've learned the hard way that things only get worse if I stay and dont leave somewhere when I want to go.

I'm tired for being attacked on here many times now because irrational OP fans can't handle opinions that go against the popular hivemind and then project and say you're the intolerant one instead.

I appreciate that but I have to do what's what's for myself too. I've been feeling less welcome on here for a while now, like a growing resentment towards me on here by some others over time.

I've had my fun but I can't stay for the sake of my own good, I have to be selfish here unfortunately.

You're one of the nicest amd best users here too and I genuinely appreciate knowing and talking to you too, thank you.

The community is whats doing it for me far more than the story. I actually enjoyed last chapter and even reread it twice to confirm. Same with MHA too I enjoyed it, but im seeing so much negativity for both and I feel the immense irony as I've been very negative about OP recently too.

Thank you but I have to for my own sake. Those responses from others are just making it easier for me, the ones attacking me I mean.

It's funny as I liked those people too, I've chatted with them, I follow them on here, I thought they liked me too but they've turned on me so quickly and easily and are doubling down right now too. They're not the only ones to do this too.

Certain other people have left this site or taken breaks for similar reasons, some of them outright reached to me and told me they felt they couldn't be honest on here, they felt bullied/harassed or at least unhappy and such.

Akai2 has disappeared on us, we lost PeperLevi, Wonderful World, Queek D Headtaker for whatever reasons too but I know why Wonderful left to some degree at least too.

A certain someone else reached out to me and confided they felt hurt, targeted, bullied etc on here after a certain big incident too. I won't name who for their sake as they reached out to me privately/in confidentiality and I don't want them to risk getting bullied/targeted again.

Even I regretfully got involved with the harassment and bullying of @Lance_Dragonite and I'm not proud of that at all in hindsight. A lot of you guys honestly don't deserve what he does for you, like ot or not. Same with the other providers. Nobody is perfect but he risks a LOT for us like they do and does a LOT for us too. You won't really realise or understand it until he stops one day for whatever reason he does and then you'll probably just blame him and act innocent anyway.
Lance has shown he does care and is a good person but it seems to go over your heads as proven by the constant jabs at his expense on here.

We really take our providers for granted especially given how you guys so desperately beg for and try to guess the hints and spoilers. You act like entitled children not getting their treats then project onto people like me when we call you out too as I'm sure you'll do right now too.
I don't really know what to say.
I like to have some random headcanon and theory about Nami and you are one of the few , who reply and engage with me , not matter how much shitty these theories are. It will be not fun without you, especially how toxic some of the community is about Nami.

I genuinely like discussion with you.