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@MUUGEN Then how do you explain what Flowa and Pero are doing here? Wouldn´t it be a really dumb move from them to frame you like that? How would they expect to get away with it if you flipped town?


@MUUGEN Then how do you explain what Flowa and Pero are doing here? Wouldn´t it be a really dumb move from them to frame you like that? How would they expect to get away with it if you flipped town?
not sure but pero specifically has been in me after I FoS’d him couldn’t even give a solid reason for the actual vote on me to begin with same with cal from his own words he forgot why he said me and said it was lazy reasoning but somehow calls my gameplay lazy…
@Flowa anyways, at one point you will be forced to interact with me if you want to move along in this game until my soul leaves my body. Now that Fuji is not around being the middle bridge between 'townie' forces and I say the term townie forces very loosely here. Unfortunately that means I am forced to interact with you people to get this game going. So you still wanna keep that childish behavior ignoring? or you want to make peace and work things out?

As not many know, I hold the keys to some major things in this game and things could play out differently depends how I react.

The storm approached us already, and alot of damage has been done, but that's not the end of it just yet.

So what you say? peace? or war?

Think carefully.
@Flowa anyways, at one point you will be forced to interact with me if you want to move along in this game until my soul leaves my body. Now that Fuji is not around being the middle bridge between 'townie' forces and I say the term townie forces very loosely here. Unfortunately that means I am forced to interact with you people to get this game going. So you still wanna keep that childish behavior ignoring? or you want to make peace and work things out?

As not many know, I hold the keys to some major things in this game and things could play out differently depends how I react.

The storm approached us already, and alot of damage has been done, but that's not the end of it just yet.

So what you say? peace? or war?

Think carefully.
@Joygirl this is being extended to you too, so think carefully as well.
@Flowa anyways, at one point you will be forced to interact with me if you want to move along in this game until my soul leaves my body. Now that Fuji is not around being the middle bridge between 'townie' forces and I say the term townie forces very loosely here. Unfortunately that means I am forced to interact with you people to get this game going. So you still wanna keep that childish behavior ignoring? or you want to make peace and work things out?

As not many know, I hold the keys to some major things in this game and things could play out differently depends how I react.

The storm approached us already, and alot of damage has been done, but that's not the end of it just yet.

So what you say? peace? or war?

Think carefully.
You are the one constantly going against me. There were never any issues on my end. So peace it is.
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