1051: No More Hunger
Cover story: Cracker arrives to fight Germa
-Flower Captial: Momo is revealed and bears the resemblance of Oden.
-Wano citizens cry in disbelief that Oden has come back from the dead.
-Denjiro tells them that Orochi is no more and reveals Komurasaki's real identity
-Skull Dome: Beasts Pirates are surrendering and All-Stars + Tobi Roppo are shown unconscious.
-Queen is too but his location is unknown.
-Yamato hands Luffy over to the Straw Hats.
-The Straw Hats do not know who she is.
-She says she's Oden to their confusion.
-Yamato then heads off to help more samurai and tells them to take care of Joy Boy.
-Straw Hats are still confused but Robin knows the name.
-Tama runs to Luffy's side who was there with Nami and Usopp.
-She cries and has his hat that she picked up.
-Luffy smiles and grabs it back and all the crew are now reunited.
-Zoro is still unconscious.
-Franky comments where the Sunny could be.
-Luffy says he's hungry and needs food.
-Luffy says it's time to party and Tama will eat however much she wants from now on, he'll never let her go hungry.
-Nami is surprised at what Luffy is implying.
-Luffy and Tama smile in return
-Crew and Izo are shocked.
No Break Next Week
if this is the chapter than i am stuck between tama or yamato joining.