General Mafia General Chat



Usually, I would not even notice this existed if it weren't for a little bird telling me that a joyful girl is being her usual self, Joyful. So I hopped in to catch up and read what you had to say. You seem like a person who is very dramatic, game did not finish and look at you, still malding. You said stuff along the lines that I insulted you alot, but quite frankly, I didn't insult you at all, if anything I was just interreacting with you. You rage like a kid over the silliest thing, and take everything as an insult. This is not the first time you come here and make drama over nothing. You seem to have a knack of making drama over nothing.

You do realize that all of us are playing for our wincon right? i find it funny when you think you been doing all that great, and I mean, you done good for yourself, but so did everyone else, and yes I know you hate to say it. But even me :D all of us are playing to win, but the difference here is that you lose yourself and mald over the smallest thing and then spend the next few posts literally complaining. You make statements directed toward me and I simply reply and you lose your shit. It's honestly been a really long time since I encountered a player such as yourself and in my humble opinion I don't think mafia is good for you, if every game you play you enter into a raging pit like this then this is unhealthy.

I mean, you literally started insulting me left and right because you thought i vote blocked you when I didn't. You just assume things are attack on you and lose your shit. I even offered a peace treaty twice toward you and you ignored the first one and after the second one you still felt the need to say hateful shit toward me for no reason. That for me, is a person who is hateful. You might not realize it but you are a very self conscious person. You live in your own little bubble and think the world revolves around you and that everyone is out to get you.

You also went ahead and insulted me for sussing you and putting you in PoE. Very unmature from your end. Here I am trying to game solve and you are crying about it lol. Matter of fact joygirl and I know you won't admit it, but you threw more insults my way than I ever did. I simply chose to ignore most of them and try and interact with you with the best way I could ^^

You were literally sussing me for being scum because you are butthurt and wanted any excuse in your head to paint me as scum every 2 hours. It was quite funny to be honest, just because me and you did not necessarily meet eye to eye that means I am throwing the game as townie? even tho you were in my town 99% of the game, used my abilities in townies best interest, and placed my votes in townies best interest in mind, me and @Yo Tan Wa game solving the game behind the scene and having fun. You complain that people are incapable of reading the game, when you yourself were not any better.

I usually don't indulge myself in drama, but time to state what's on my mind, cause this is quite frankly, getting tiering at this point.

@Fujishiro, I am not sure if we are playing the same game, but if i were you I would stop the cap. I think we have different definition of insult if you think i insulted her alot. But again, knowing you I can see why you would think that.

I am not here to please people and make them happy. We play mafia here and if you can't handle pressure then you should not be playing this game, maybe some of you are part of this new generation or whatever but half of you won't even last 1 game in how mafia games were in the past. Little bit of pressure your way and you peeps crumble like wet tissues and consider it an insult and get all up your feelings and become hateful. We have fun abit and you would have people crying you a river and how their feelings is hurt when they themselves are throwing more insults our way because they somehow justified it's valid in their head. People live in their own little bubble and always come here and play the victim. I never saw this amount of whining and crying in the past 10+ years of mafia I played.

I played handful of games with people here already and I was always respectful and never went out of my way to insult people and even in this game. I did not insult any player, calling you out on your way of thinking is not called an insult, sussing you is not an insult, using my abilities is not an insult, calling a specific post of yours a fanfic is not an insult, and yes calling you a snowflake is not an insult. If I see you crying like a 5 years old over a simple post then you are a snowflake, I don't care who you are lol. If you guys crumble like this over a mafia game then how do you guys emotionally cope with real life?

I been really strict on myself to please the people in this new era where everyone cry over the simplest thing and feel insulted when they are not and players who know me well can vouch for that. Every game I played with you peeps I was in my best behavior and respected you as a player and NEVER went out of my way to insult anyone, and even if I did in moment of heat, I acknowledge that I did and make sure to excuse my behavior or apologize to the player, because I am the bigger man here and can recognize if I acted irrationally. Sorry to say this, but some of you simply need to toughen up, sure things get heated sometime and that's fine, it's part of mafia. How many times me and ratchet went head to head in mafia games in the past? you would read some of our intereaction and you would think this is World War 3 over here, yet he is one of my closest friends and my brother, our argument get so heated that it get blown out of proportions, but do we take it to heart? do we come here and cry about it? no because it's a damn game at the end of the day and we talk about it later on in a call and joke about it. I joined the games here because people want me to play those games and invited me to join this forum after god knows how much now in the past couple of years. I understand that mafia gets to you sometimes and you just need to take a step away and take a fresh air, nothing wrong with stepping away to recharge. I have done it myself countless times.

Play to have fun is my advise to some of you peeps, understand that everyone is playing and having fun and just because things don't go your way does not mean people are spiting you or insulting you. Get out of your head, you ain't as important as you think you are.

People opinion about me means little to me. People who truly know me, know what type of person I am. I could easily walk away and not look back at this forum. I don't have that attachment. Not only have I been playing mafia more than 95% of you here, but also I successfully avoided drama most of my life, and don't plan on getting dragged into drama cause of some people who cry me a river of saltness cause they are all up their emotions cause they think they been insulted or whatever the hell you wanna call it these days. I can say hi to you and some people here would cry and mald and cause a shitshow over it.

I don't usually make posts like these, but I honestly felt the need to throw my two cents cause it's getting tiering at this point. I respect and appreciate every single one of you. All of you peeps seem like a fun loving individuals, I might not get along with some of you maybe due to how just direct and confrontational I am and that's fine, but I still respect you as a person and won't hold any malicious or hate toward you. I wish everyone here nothing but the best, I truly do. Life is too short to be hateful.

The bold in this post is a perfect example of what type of person you are. I find it ironic you are crying over nothing, but you have the audacity to literally insult me and say hateful shit for multiple posts in different thread and still say I am the one insulting you. Grow up, and take a break of mafia if you melt down like this every game and come here to get people validation about your own feelings and to feel that you are in the right. Pathetic, I have no empathy to you at this point. My advice is to take a break and work on yourself before you step into these battlefields. If you think I am bad, then you did not interact with other people in this very forum in mafia games yet and I am literally an angel compared to them.

I asked you for peace treaty twice and you still cry and say shit cause you think I give enough fucks about you to actually insult you. You make up theories and assumptions in your head to justify that fanfic you created in your head that I have something against you, it's just sad at this point.

I hope this hate you have inside of you would eventually be cleansed. You would take a good look at the mirror and see what type of person you are. Work on yourself and try and be a better human and most importantly, try to have fun and not everything posted in the thread is to insult you or to get to you. Get out of that small bubble of yours.

Have a nice day joygirl ^^
love you my brudddah 👊🏻


I already have my next 5 games/themes planned... Batman, Dragonball, DCEU, YU-GI-OH, MCU

But knowing me someone will convince me to do another game as some sort of Epilogue to my Mafia run here. Ill be stuck in a endless loop of trying to retire
I won’t let you retire until we get another console wars tbh that was one of the funnest sessions of mafia.


should prolly update my playlist too, feels like ive been listening to the same stuff for the past few months.. with like 2-3 new ones
ahh I have to erase and recreate playlist for myself every couple of months it’s so time consuming though that sometimes you just get stuck with the same songs so now I just like everything and just throw it on shuffle if I’m feeling lazy hha