likes can be invisible maybe idk
kinda confused about the removing likes entirely too tho if im honest
There are multiple faces to that suggestion.
A) Bias and new players. Bias can be created with non vocal agreement. It is visible to everyone.
Imagine you are a professional player and you act rational against a LHF or a new player, and suddenly you gather likes and fool newbies into getting credibility. On one side the liked person will feel empowerment through likes while having the momentuum to fool people. If you pay attention, this sort of favourism and empowerment-bias occurs regularily.
B) Non vocal agreement hurts games in general because alot of likers wont bother to comment and vocally agree/disagree, as a result many conversations and exchanges end up poorly traded.
I observed this section enough to know what kind of changes are needed to atleast bring back a bit of civillization back in here.
Not all 3 points have to be manifested but it would be a step in the right direction if one of my suggestions would find approval.