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Damn actually liked Momos and Yamatos interaction. Going to miss seeing them, but hopefully Yamato and other straw hats get along well… if “I’m Oden” is her gag this may be the worst gag yet.
Well good bye to Wano at least glad to see the crew reunited again tho!
Let me explain this to you in layman's terms. Your CoC is directly proportional to your overall strength. So your skill at handling CoC doesn't make your Haki stronger; you just utilize it better than someone who just awakened it. Two, Yamato CoC is so weak that her attacks are less effective on her father than Rooftop Zoro's; meaning Zoro can already match her without CoC. So if Zoro can already match her before CoC gets CoC which is directly proportional to his overall power level, then it's only natural he'd surpass far surpass her after getting CoC.

Basically, Zoro overwhelms her with his attacks even if she's better at controlling CoC, which I highly doubt because Zoro displayed no difficulties at handling CoC whatsoever. You totally pulled that Ryou and better CoO out of nowhere but if he has a powerful CoA, then her attacks wouldn't be weaker than Zoro's CoA attacks despite her stacking her attacks with CoA and CoC. I am not saying Yamato gets stomped by Zoro or anything. She is strong enough to hold her own against any given character in the series, but Zoro is in a class of his own. His number two status is undisputed in the crew.

Zoro doesn't need to deplete his Haki to use CoC. Where did you even get that from? The Haki depletion he was talking about is CoA. Zoro has no issues using CoC whatsoever. Better control does not indicate stronger Haki as far as it concerns CoC. Even Luffy is less experienced than her; is she better than him?
Once again you are talking about AP and lethality
Her CoC isn't weak, you simply a trol who can't understand a thing about CoC and adcoc

Zoro has enma and all he could do was leave a papercut scar which Kaido did bother to hype

Write whatever you like,
Yamato can stall kaido 1v1 for 15 min and be praised for her strength
Current zoro still can't replicate that
Can we appreciate Oda‘s work? (Just a joke that sucker deserves the full force of hatred critics)

I mean he wasted so much useless stuff in all acts, which could‘ve been used in a proper Big Mom fight, Kaido flashback and a final intensive battle with awakened Kaido.

Instead he dragged the stuff so far, that he has thrown those above mentioned concepts away.

So he dragged the arc so far, for what absolutely nothing. Due the dragged pace of this arc, this will lead to the conclusion, he will off-panel so much important stuff even further more for upcoming events
The simple fact that he brought a whole yonkos crew to wano and had them do absolutely jack shit, should put this arc down a few points. Dumbass move
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