Like what was the point to block it when law teleported everyone.
The biggest issue with the Manga to Anime, IMO, is the Manga let's us have our own-head-canon for how fast things happen. Take Dragon Ball Z with Goku vs Frieza at the end of Namek.
The fight didn't last that long.
It's just that Goku and Frieza were moving so fast, that it made it seem way longer than it was. What we're seeing is a slowed down version of the events, so we have time to process what's happening.
If Big Mom/Kaido's attack against Zoro happened in reality and we saw it, it would just be a blinding flash of light to us: that's how fast they're moving. The anime is just slowing it down for the sake of presentation. I understand it can be grating, and that they don't do it perfectly, but it is necessary. If everything was at real speed, we wouldn't see jack-shit in the anime. Also, artistic license is a thing. Fiction isn't real, and it shouldn't try to be. People need to separate fantasy from reality. Even if you think someone's fiction is dumb, there's no reason to bully them.
I wish the Anime was a bit faster with the combat, though, sometimes. Pre-Time-Skip was more snappy, IMO (this is a rubber-pun, YOHOHOHO).