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I was scum two games ago.
I rekt town too hard and made melkor look silly.
the next game I got killed by melkor as soon as kills became available.
I was low efforting it cuz it was an Ariess game and everyone has a kill.
I was scum there and so was melkor. ( scum vs scum )
Yeah the kill on you from the last ariess game was random af, you didnt even revealed any abilities or fake abilities, nor did you had reads on scums that would make you a problem for them, half of the players were a better alternative than you.


The End and the Beginning
Whatever i am very jealous of how ratchet always get the interestimg indie roles
His point is correct though. If I need to get myself lynched, I'm surely capable of coming up with a better claim than one that promotes leaving me be and not lynching me, right?
Yeah the kill on you from the last ariess game was random af, you didnt even revealed any abilities or fake abilities, nor did you had reads on scums that would make you a problem for them, half of the players were a better alternative than you.
Yeh I never got to do one of them "I can confirm myself by doing an action" things that everyone else did...


✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
Kill ratchet with fire.

He will make you feel at ease with his excellent persuasion skills, and when the moment you let your guard down, even for a second, it's already too late.

Ratchet is like the SCP-173 of mafia.

If u blink, u r ded
I already faced this situation with him in the GoT game.

I know how persuasive he can be lol


The End and the Beginning
Why would I try to convince you, or tip you off to what it is about your play I dont like?
Well, you'd surely be interested in her defence, as that would enable you to make a more informed read of her play. Without said defence, you're limiting yourself to only your initial read being strong enough to carry the lynch home.


Arbiter of Truth
You may as well be drinking poison.
I was going to pick up my brother from a party one time, pretty late at night. And I was so sleepy that night, so I decided I'd get a redbull to keep me awake.

It worked really well-- for 10 minutes

after that was hell, because I was like 5 times sleepier after I drank it than before I did lmao.

Lesson learned.
why are you town reading Mitch?
he had 4 posts when I made that vote.
All he did is vote for a formed wagon (doc) and joined one of the two events.
He didn't join the towncore one.
Joined the moriarty one.

If you like Professor why do you have a problem with me pushing a dude that just showed up to vote for him and dipped out?

why do you always have to be so scummy?
last game you just shot at me at random too but you got lucky that time.
You got tricked by me once.
get over it.
Get over what? I do not held any grudge against you.

I am not town reading Mitch just noted that he seems to be playing in his typical way so far.


I wulda gotten rekt anyways.
Didnt get a chance to even try and prove myself tho.
Everyone else did.
that was the meta.
Claim to do action.
Action appears in write up with town color.
= town.
that kill on you did come out of nowhere no one was expecting it lol
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