I find Yamato awkwardly cringe, even for One Piece standards. But after chapter 1051 it's basically a fact that she is joining the Strawhats as a new nakama (at least I hope she is the last one).
Well, at least there are some good news.
We can say bye bye to the old toxic Monster Trio. And finally... let's go with a heartfelt welcome for the new, flashy, amazing, all-powerful... Conqueror Trio!
In a world where Haki is the strongest power of all
"Haki... it surpasses all!". With the Advanced Conqueror Haki being the strongest kind of Haki, the power of the top tiers
"Infusing things with Conqueror Haki... only a handful of the very strongest can!".
Yeah in a world like that, where the strongest characters are the one with the strongest Haki, and therefore the strongest will...
No doubt that
Conqueror Trio >>> Monster Trio.
Sure, if we forget power and talk about characterization, Yamato is cringe... but so is Sanji with his behaviour as a simp and his weird attitude, that in Post TS basically became a meme more than a gag.