Break Week Yamato joining is a win-win for Sanji fans

I like Sanji but it's funny to see fans legit rustled by his strength ranking
It's not about strength, it's about importance. I'm sure Sanji is already stronger than Yamato and there is nothing anybody could say to make me doubt it.

However, CoC is something exceptional possessed by exceptional character. I have difficulties accepting Zoro and Sanji treated so differently on such a matter, but another strawhat using ACoC is disrespectful on too many levels
We should stop Bandai from using something like this during their 8th anny of the game trying to force their propaganda. Finally release proper duos and characters like Jinbei and Sanji

Same as the shitty editor notes at the end of the chapter reusing Robins meaningless words... Glad that VIZ and Stephen ignored it.

Comment about last years character poll was bullshit as well because we fluent japanese speakers now thet never once the term M3 hasn't been used
Look I love Yamato but some of y’all done lost y’all damn minds. Sanji Teflon lol his position in the crew and in the monster trio is not changing not in any way shape or form. Yamato can join and should join shit she could be stronger however that is not going to account to anything about her being in the monster trio. Y’all constantly try to decontextualize meanings to fit your narrative. Oda referred to sanji and zoro as WINGS of the pirate king…do with that info what you may but he said that lol this argument is pointless. If you think Yamato is stronger then all power to you but saying some dumb shit like Yamato taking sanjis position after all what you read this arc is quite literally going against the authors word himself. But that’s worstgen head canon on head canon
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So the argument here is that Yamato replaces Sanji since "there is no dynamic", but she won't replace Zoro because he's always going to be the second strongest because "right hand". Essentially making a self defeating argument, since you're admitting there is a dynamic in place that overrides anything Yamato may do that will always keep Zoro in his position, yet deny that same fact for Sanji who was placed as the other "Wing", which establishes him as the next in line after the right hand; the honorary "left hand".

The actual argument being made here is this " I like Yamato and think she's stronger than Sanji, so she's stronger than Sanji", if you people just said this straight up it would be far more respectable than these pathetic attempts you call arguments.
The fact you had to explain it like this and zoro fanboys still saying nonsense all over the thread..mfs be having CTE like smooth brains😭😭😭
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They start the fight with thier weapons

12 hours later they've both disarmed each other and it's turned into a brawl
I admit to being confused because I didn't build a lot of elaboration around the idea of Buggy's crew as an example. That does support the idea that they're equal in power, except Mohji got squashed without using his whip on Luffy and it's not there during the brawl. When we see them outside of the cover story they're not equal, and Mohji is still first mate where Kabaji is second. So again, it doesn't build the case that someone who joins later (Yamato, Jinbe) has to be inferior to someone who joined earlier (Sanji).
Dude said sanji s feats and portaryal are better than yamatos:milaugh:
Dude yamato fought hybrid kaido with acoc
The guy lanji beat got his ass 2 shoted by meme with no haki no homies and amnesia
U no what's funny u serious thinking sanji sanji can't hold off kiado better than yamato lol, yamato did nothing to kaido , but got her ass kick even then daddy was holding back lol sanji has better showing than yamato,
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It is no debatable in the slightest.

sanji shares the same exoskeleton like his siblings. It is no more hax than theirs when he got hurt from bullets.
The reason Sanji popped his bones back was because that was when the exoskeleton transformation finalized.
They have iron/steel skin so breaking a sword is not impressive.
Sanji exo is far superior than his siblings kata with. Normal punch was able to hurt and move neiji of his places a full swing with two hands zorn form queen couldnt even get sanji to move a inch, it's a clear difference bruh plus sanji fix got dent just like his bro but sanji didn't need a machine to fix it, it different bruh clearly
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Non of those had to do with her strength. Robin's bounty was because of her knowledge and origin. She was inferior in fighting ability to M1.

Franky only had a short clash with Luffy, so that is a moot point. Nero wasn't even strong enough to join the cp9 group so unless you are claiming that Sanji couldn't brat Nero, again not a valid point.

You contradict your point. If Sanji is always going to be the third strongest, then you can't claim that Yamato is stronger him...that's what ALWAYS stands for.

Zoro is superior to Yamato not because of his position but because of his feats. Sanji doesn't have that and relies on fan excuse of a misrepresentation of M3
Dude stop if you think oda is going to throw away a set up he's had for over a decade and a 1000 chapters go ahead. Just because yamato is stronger doesn't mean it will stay that way I gave you 2 sh's where this was the case. Robin looked stronger than Sanji when she joined and Franky looked stronger than Sanji before the final EL fight.

And no Sanji always proves he's the third strongest just because yamato is stronger than Sanji in wano doesn't mean she stays stronger. Jinbe was stronger than Sanji in fmi yet Sanji is stronger than jinbe in wano. Idk why you are trying to argue against a set up that's been around forever. I understand downplaying Sanji but this just ain't gonna happen. Yamato's not bout to join and just take sanji's spot. She's either going to create her own and oda will add her with Luffy zoro and Sanji or sanji's going to surpass her and it be the same old M3.
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Sanjis fs stronger than a kaido clowning on the pre pu rooftop delusional squad. Kaido himself said he wasn't serious.

Kaido when he used fs>>>>> kaido vs Yamato in terms of trying
Kaido himself said he wasn't holding back vs yamato. He was using everything but his drunken state vs yamato. And any version of kaido is Alot stronger than Sanji. Yamato's was fighting his hybrid form and was fighting to a stand still with kaido. Kaido couldn't put yamato down in half a hour with vastly stronger attacks than sanji's so how can you think Sanji can magically put her down? No Sanji is going to need another pu for him to be above yamato.
I find Yamato awkwardly cringe, even for One Piece standards. But after chapter 1051 it's basically a fact that she is joining the Strawhats as a new nakama (at least I hope she is the last one).

Well, at least there are some good news.
We can say bye bye to the old toxic Monster Trio. And finally... let's go with a heartfelt welcome for the new, flashy, amazing, all-powerful... Conqueror Trio!

In a world where Haki is the strongest power of all "Haki... it surpasses all!". With the Advanced Conqueror Haki being the strongest kind of Haki, the power of the top tiers "Infusing things with Conqueror Haki... only a handful of the very strongest can!".

Yeah in a world like that, where the strongest characters are the one with the strongest Haki, and therefore the strongest will...
No doubt that Conqueror Trio >>> Monster Trio.
Sure, if we forget power and talk about characterization, Yamato is cringe... but so is Sanji with his behaviour as a simp and his weird attitude, that in Post TS basically became a meme more than a gag.
thats why its sanji vs big mom in the flower capital coz hes stronger than yamato. And sanjis plot against his family is still unresolved. He still hasnt have his revenge but hes not going to defeat them so the only revenge left is through success. And beating big mom whom judge wants to be a bitch of is the best revenge.