
❀ 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈 ❀

I got my actual video editor working now too so I can definitely go all in on making more of these too happily AND throw in custom video clips and such! I really want to make a big thing of this!

Just looking at the IMMENSELY positive reception to it on the post via the likes and especially responses to it too from others has really motivated me to make more of these now too! I already was keen but now much more so naturally!

I'm gonna get a thread going a for more of these and thus dedidcated to making them and y'all are invited to contribute to it as much as you like too!

inb4 Angry Office: Worstgen Edition

Luffy trying to get to the rooftop or at Dressrosa when he was going after Doflamingo with the future Grand Fleet members following him:

Zoro would have taken these routes but his crippling Bathmophobia stopped him!

(I bet Zoro has this and funnily enough I do too somewhat!)
I don't like Escalators and Elevators.

I can use them just fine. But i keep thinking about them breaking all the time.

So i don't have the phobia, but i'm anxious in general about them.
It won't happen bitchass loser. If Zoro can kill Kaido, Gaimon can kill Zoro so don't act smart when you have such a stupid headcannon because once Wano ends, you will take the biggest L ever and you will choke upon your own words illiterate loloboi peasant. Learn to listen? You write here illiterate there is no sound but illiterate beggars like you won't understand what is listening or reading or looking because you loser don't have a brain. Bitchass peasant.
"Learn to listen?"- you've proven here that you literally can't lmao. A meaningless set of words that has nothing to do with the topic. You need to be taught not only to listen, but also to talk to the point:kidwat:

Gorosei Informer

inb4 Angry Office: Worstgen Edition



Wtf am I watching lol.

Theres some blatantly racist stuff which is making me pretty uncomfortable right now.

Not to say the stereotyping isn't accurate as I know from personal experience too but the fact a white person is imitating and making fun of Indians is making me very annoyed and uncomfortable tbh. Its sort of like black face or something.

I got my actual video editor working now too so I can definitely go all in on making more of these too happily AND throw in custom video clips and such! I really want to make a big thing of this!

Just looking at the IMMENSELY positive reception to it on the post via the likes and especially responses to it too from others has really motivated me to make more of these now too! I already was keen but now much more so naturally!

I'm gonna get a thread going a for more of these and thus dedidcated to making them and y'all are invited to contribute to it as much as you like too!

I'm here for it man, for sure! Make a thread here but also post your stuff to reddit or other forums. Everyone loves a great fun video:datas:

Gorosei Informer

I don't like Escalators and Elevators.

I can use them just fine. But i keep thinking about them breaking all the time.

So i don't have the phobia, but i'm anxious in general about them.
Yeah same here! I'm terrified of them for those exact reasons! I've seen some morbid stuff with escalators especially from horror films and such but also IRL stuff and elevators are infamous for giving people horrific situations and fates ofc!

In fact that one scene from Mission Impossible 1 with the elevator traumatised me as a kid lol. Dunno how or why I saw it so young but there you go.

One of the Final Destination films, I think 3 or 4 has a fucked up scene with an escalator too that I will not describe it as it's horrifying and gory as fuck but I myself also had my shoe get stuck in an escalator once and it scared the hell out of me.

A few of my friends all happened to fall on an escalator at the same time too before too, even when they were at the top of it too! We were high up in a building too, a few floors up and it was mostly empty space in the middle so you could easily fall to your death too if you happened to go over the sides somehow!


❀ 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈 ❀

Wtf am I watching lol.

Theres some blatantly racist stuff which is making me pretty uncomfortable right now.

Not to say the stereotyping isn't accurate as I know from personal experience too but the fact a white person is imitating and making fun of Indians is making me very annoyed and uncomfortable tbh. Its sort of like black face or something.
2016 was a different time lmao, it’s so bizarre to see how humor changed over time. The fact that it’s all improv really puts it into perspective too

sorry i made you uncomfortable though, I didn’t mean to


𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
I don't like Escalators and Elevators.

I can use them just fine. But i keep thinking about them breaking all the time.

So i don't have the phobia, but i'm anxious in general about them.
I'm fine with elevators but escalators terrify me for some reason :believe:

Can't explain why but holy shit they make me nervous.

Going down on one is worse than going up

Gorosei Informer

I'm here for it man, for sure! Make a thread here but also post your stuff to reddit or other forums. Everyone loves a great fun video:datas:
Thank you man! I have been tempted to post my memes to reddit, I posted some old ones to know your meme but I lost access to or deleted my account on there too? They're still on there anyway though but barely got any exposure lol.

My OP memes might do a LOT better on Memepiece subreddit naturally, they are doing pretty well when I post them here but idk if any redditors have any grudges against me for trash talking/making fun of Reddit so much in the past LMAO! I do have an account I made on there recently too and recognised a certain few users on there too....

I almost fell off my chair a few minutes ago as my "Stop Posting About ZKK" meme which I uploaded onto Imgur privately was said to have OVER 37,000 VIEWS somehow despite being private too especially?! I've gone to check again and its changed to 17 now instead LMFAO! Imgur keeps fucking trolling me on god!

Another random pic I uploaded, a piece of art, has 9000 views (WHAT 9000?!) but thats also impossible as its also private!

Thank you anyway man I much appreciate it! I may start posting stuff to Reddit but I'm worried about the downvotes, I'm too insecure so I take downvotes too seriously hahaha!


Gorosei Informer

2016 was a different time lmao, it’s so bizarre to see how humor changed over time. The fact that it’s all improv really puts it into perspective too

sorry i made you uncomfortable though, I didn’t mean to
No worries! I just hate seeing shit like that but you're right, its crazy how much things have changed in a few years although alt right/far right and thus neo nazis are making a come back again like back in 2016 and growing really strong again.

I am so tired of dealing with racism on a personal level, I experienced SO MUCH of it in high school because of being brown skinned and starting high school around when 9/11 happened, even though I'm in the UK too not USA!

I also originate from Africa too so that was like double barrelled ammunition for racists, bullies and anyone who just hated me anyway too. There was an African lad who joined my school and thus my school year some late years into high school but to try to gain popularity and avoid being racially bullied or just bullied anyway, he would hit/attack me as a "joke" and try to make me look bad to make himself look good by comparison and "one of the lads", "on their side" and such so the racists would think hes "ok" despite not being white too. I think there was just more hated towards Asians at the time too due to 9/11 as the other Asians I knew there gravitated towards bullies as friends and acted like bullies themselves at times to protect themselves too. They were much nicer on their own though.

I've also had harassment from a blatantly racist but never likes to admit it narcissistic psychopathic neighbour for years now who has tried to accuse me of all kinds of things, including feeding his pigeons some fucking curry to try and kill them?! Fucking insanity lol.

Hes literally still holding a grudge against me for years now that he still brought up recently based on something I said to him years ago after he harassed me so much and he keeps trying to falsely accuse me of shit I havent done and get me into severe trouble for nothing.

He's one of those typical white supremacist, nationalist and thus truly racist but never to your face unless he says by accident whilst drunk or running his mouth too much anyway or he feels confident enough to whilst hes aloen with you or so! A real slimy coward like Orochi, Spandam, Wapol etc.

Thank you anyway! I tend to prefer watching older movies and shows and the things I notice now make me so uncomfortable, certain things being said and not taboo back then, certain patterns and stereotype mocking and such.

Ray William Johnson brought back his cringy, midlife crisis, manchild band recently after years and seeing the shit they made years ago and trying to promote including some truly fucking awful and even I believe some racist stuff at one point just makes me cringe and want to crawl up into a ball, especially with how asinine and derogatory it is!

I'm really starting to become a grumpy boomer but I've always felt like a grumpy old man for years now haha. Just getting a lot more outspoken about it now due to my age and being so fed up and exhausted with so much BS in the world.

I was kinda laughing at it too, the video you send as it is accurate tbh, stereotypes do tend to have their accuracies, their inspirations after all but its not the stereotype that bothers me as much as the fact that a lot of racist people will use it as ammunition, they will be encouraged by it and such. It might breed more ignorance and cause more racism/xenophobia in more younger, impressionable and thus ignorant and inexperienced minds but I might just be paranoid and overthinking it lol.

I just got really traumatised by so much racial abuse when I was younger and also from my neighbour too. Even at some places I worked at and such, I feel I was probably being targeted by covert racists like my neighbour but people over here are so good at putting on false personas/facades and hiding what they think really think and feel about you and pulling an "et bu brute" on you when your back is turned and they especially have got enough people on their side against you.

I'm really rambling but I really hate racism almost more than anything maybe in the world. Hating people for the way they look, for their skin colour just makes me so fucking sick tbh. I saw a clip of American History X and "curbstomping" and that fucking hit me to my core, it broke me so much.

An The Office type scenario would be very funny though for here, especially with the staff here! I could totally see certain mods at least being like The Office except everyone is the "straight man" and TAC is the one causing all the shenanigans and such but TAC is still the protagonist?

I've barely seen The Office but a mockumentary type situation like that would be great for here!
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I'm fine with elevators but escalators terrify me for some reason :believe:

Can't explain why but holy shit they make me nervous.

Going down on one is worse than going up
I think its because of the pull of gravity as you go down, you get that lurching/sinking feeling, like you're free falling or drowning quickly even lol. Like being pulled under. You're not fighting against gravity so much but moving towards it so to speak, towards the centre of attraction which is the Earth's core ofc and thus you will sort of "accelerate" as you get closer to the ground and gravity's effect is stronger on you.

I have exactly the same problem tbh. I get major issues with vertigo which doesnt help! (I have SO MANY phobias that I may as well just not exist because its so stressful for me hahaha! Doomer/MeIRL/Nihilism memes, ho!)
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No worries! I just hate seeing shit like that but you're right, its crazy how much things have changed in a few years although alt right/far right and thus neo nazis are making a come back again like back in 2016 and growing really strong again.

I am so tired of dealing with racism on a personal level, I experienced SO MUCH of it in high school because of being brown skinned and starting high school around when 9/11 happened, even though I'm in the UK too not USA!

I also originate from Africa too so that was like double barrelled ammunition for racists, bullies and anyone who just hated me anyway too. There was an African lad who joined my school and thus my school year some late years into high school but to try to gain popularity and avoid being racially bullied or just bullied anyway, he would hit/attack me as a "joke" and try to make me look bad to make himself look good by comparison and "one of the lads", "on their side" and such so the racists would think hes "ok" despite not being white too. I think there was just more hated towards Asians at the time too due to 9/11 as the other Asians I knew there gravitated towards bullies as friends and acted like bullies themselves at times to protect themselves too. They were much nicer on their own though.

I've also had harassment from a blatantly racist but never likes to admit it narcissistic psychopathic neighbour for years now who has tried to accuse me of all kinds of things, including feeding his pigeons some fucking curry to try and kill them?! Fucking insanity lol.

Hes literally still holding a grudge against me for years now that he still brought up recently based on something I said to him years ago after he harassed me so much and he keeps trying to falsely accuse me of shit I havent done and get me into severe trouble for nothing.

He's one of those typical white supremacist, nationalist and thus truly racist but never to your face unless he says by accident whilst drunk or running his mouth too much anyway or he feels confident enough to whilst hes aloen with you or so! A real slimy coward like Orochi, Spandam, Wapol etc.

Thank you anyway! I tend to prefer watching older movies and shows and the things I notice now make me so uncomfortable, certain things being said and not taboo back then, certain patterns and stereotype mocking and such.

Ray William Johnson brought back his cringy, midlife crisis, manchild band recently after years and seeing the shit they made years ago and trying to promote including some truly fucking awful and even I believe some racist stuff at one point just makes me cringe and want to crawl up into a ball, especially with how asinine and derogatory it is!

I'm really starting to become a grumpy boomer but I've always felt like a grumpy old man for years now haha. Just getting a lot more outspoken about it now due to my age and being so fed up and exhausted with so much BS in the world.

I was kinda laughing at it too, the video you send as it is accurate tbh, stereotypes do tend to have their accuracies, their inspirations after all but its not the stereotype that bothers me as much as the fact that a lot of racist people will use it as ammunition, they will be encouraged by it and such. It might breed more ignorance and cause more racism/xenophobia in more younger, impressionable and thus ignorant and inexperienced minds but I might just be paranoid and overthinking it lol.

I just got really traumatised by so much racial abuse when I was younger and also from my neighbour too. Even at some places I worked at and such, I feel I was probably being targeted by covert racists like my neighbour but people over here are so good at putting on false personas/facades and hiding what they think really think and feel about you and pulling an "et bu brute" on you when your back is turned and they especially have got enough people on their side against you.

I'm really rambling but I really hate racism almost more than anything maybe in the world. Hating people for the way they look, for their skin colour just makes me so fucking sick tbh. I saw a clip of American History X and "curbstomping" and that fucking hit me to my core, it broke me so much.

An The Office type scenario would be very funny though for here, especially with the staff here! I could totally see certain mods at least being like The Office except everyone is the "straight man" and TAC is the one causing all the shenanigans and such but TAC is still the protagonist?

I've barely seen The Office but a mockumentary type situation like that would be great for here!
Post automatically merged:

I think its because of the pull of gravity as you go down, you get that lurching/sinking feeling, like you're free falling or drowning quickly even lol. Like being pulled under. You're not fighting against gravity but moving towards it so to speak, towards the centre of attraction which is the Earth's core ofc and thus you will sort of "accelerate" as you get closer to the ground and gravity's effect is stronger on you.

I have exactly the same problem tbh. I get major issues with vertigo which doesnt help! (I have SO MANY phobias that I may as well just not exist because its so stressful for me hahaha! Doomer/MeIRL/Nihilism memes, ho!)
Damn man you have been through so much. I always thought that excessive bullying and torture were more of series and movie type thing.
Here in India i have never experienced bullying of any sort throughout my school life and I can say this for 90% Indian here. Sure we have some fights but that is sorted very quickly and is mostly fun banter. The most one go is teasing one out of his comfort zone which is also comfortable for other side lol


❀ 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈 ❀
No worries! I just hate seeing shit like that but you're right, its crazy how much things have changed in a few years although alt right/far right and thus neo nazis are making a come back again like back in 2016 and growing really strong again.

I am so tired of dealing with racism on a personal level, I experienced SO MUCH of it in high school because of being brown skinned and starting high school around when 9/11 happened, even though I'm in the UK too not USA!

I also originate from Africa too so that was like double barrelled ammunition for racists, bullies and anyone who just hated me anyway too. There was an African lad who joined my school and thus my school year some late years into high school but to try to gain popularity and avoid being racially bullied or just bullied anyway, he would hit/attack me as a "joke" and try to make me look bad to make himself look good by comparison and "one of the lads", "on their side" and such so the racists would think hes "ok" despite not being white too. I think there was just more hated towards Asians at the time too due to 9/11 as the other Asians I knew there gravitated towards bullies as friends and acted like bullies themselves at times to protect themselves too. They were much nicer on their own though.

I've also had harassment from a blatantly racist but never likes to admit it narcissistic psychopathic neighbour for years now who has tried to accuse me of all kinds of things, including feeding his pigeons some fucking curry to try and kill them?! Fucking insanity lol.

Hes literally still holding a grudge against me for years now that he still brought up recently based on something I said to him years ago after he harassed me so much and he keeps trying to falsely accuse me of shit I havent done and get me into severe trouble for nothing.

He's one of those typical white supremacist, nationalist and thus truly racist but never to your face unless he says by accident whilst drunk or running his mouth too much anyway or he feels confident enough to whilst hes aloen with you or so! A real slimy coward like Orochi, Spandam, Wapol etc.

Thank you anyway! I tend to prefer watching older movies and shows and the things I notice now make me so uncomfortable, certain things being said and not taboo back then, certain patterns and stereotype mocking and such.

Ray William Johnson brought back his cringy, midlife crisis, manchild band recently after years and seeing the shit they made years ago and trying to promote including some truly fucking awful and even racist stuff at one point just makes me cringe and want to crawl up into a ball, especially with how asinine and derogatory it is!

I'm really starting to become a grumpy boomer but I've always felt like a grumpy old man for years now haha. Just getting a lot more outspoken about it now due to my age and being so fed up and exhausted with so much BS in the world.

I was kinda laughing at it too, the video you send as it is accurate tbh, stereotypes do tend to have their accuracies, their inspirations after all but its not the stereotype that bothers me as much as the fact that a lot of racist people will use it as ammunition, they will be encouraged by it and such. It might breed more ignorance and cause more racism/xenophobia in more younger, impressionable and thus ignorant and inexperienced minds but I might just be paranoid and overthinking it lol.

I just got really traumatised by so much racial abuse when I was younger and also from my neighbour too. Even at some places I worked at and such, I feel I was probably being targeted by covert racists like my neighbour but people over here are so good at putting on false personas/facades and hiding what they think really think and feel about you and pulling an "et bu brute" on you when your back is turned and they especially have got enough people on their side against you.

I'm really rambling but I really hate racism more than anything maybe in the world. Hating people for the way they look, for their skin colour just makes me so fucking sick tbh. I saw a clip of American History X and "curbstomping" and that fucking hit me to my core, it broke me so much.

An The Office type scenario would be very funny though for here, especially with the staff here! I could totally see certain mods at least being like The Office except everyone is the "straight man" and TAC is the one causing all the shenanigans and such but TAC is still the protagonist?

I've barely seen The Office but a mockumentary type situation like that would be great for here!
Gosh I’m so sorry you went through all of that. Your neighbor sounds like the absolute worst type of person in the world, and you’re so strong for having endured it all that time.

I'm really starting to become a grumpy boomer but I've always felt like a grumpy old man for years now haha. Just getting a lot more outspoken about it now due to my age and being so fed up and exhausted with so much BS in the world.
Honestly so valid, whenever I see racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. jokes these days I really have to assess whether or not it’s just a joke. Just recently I’ve stopped talking to a few of my friends since I got so fed up with their “Taiwan is not a Country” or “You’re Chinese” jokes

Gorosei Informer

@Goodman Grey We were just talking about Fuji erupting and lava reaching around Wano and the capital just now ofc and I just realised, this is a plot point in Film Z too! Zephyr erupts a volcano due to his actions and Aokiji of all people shows up and saves people from the encroaching/approaching lava (magma) too! Funnily enough, he does show up to Wano in PW4 too!

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Oh boy, just wait for Carrot and Yamato to meet and come back to me :cheers:

Still calling it : Carrot was Page the 4th Calamity and it will be revealed when Carrot will see Yamato. She was sent into the future by Toki at 5yo during the attack of Kuri Castle. And Yamato won’t join, Carrot will. See u later :owo: