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Yeah thats the one! With the white rabbit!

Yeah that dog that killed my rabbit,
That sounds so horrible. :josad: *sends virtual hug* I can see why it haunted you for years. It wouldn't even know what to do in that moment probably. I think you were really brave to get involved and separate them despite the chaotic mess that was happening. Who knows what lead the dog to be such a psycho. There are several things that can be at play, but of course I am not in the position to make a judgement here. It is really just tragic. I think we all just wish for our pets to just have a good life and for our pets and us who adopt them to have a good time together. It's kinda sad that we cant communicate more effectly at times to prevent bad things from happening, but as you perfectly said "That's nature. It doesn't care about such things.". I am sorry for your loss and the time you missed out on with your other dogs,too! :( I hope you can see them again in some way some day!

I've never had to deal with someone or a pet dying like that, to be there in their final moments so I can only imagine what that must feel like and the impact it must have on you. One of the reasons I obsess on ghosts is because I long to see the people and pets that I've lost and never got to say goodbye to again properly as well as the people who I will inevitably lose over time too.

I've heard of that tbh, you focus on making the dying person or pet happy as possible in their final moments, try to give them the best life you can when you know their time is running out and even if its happening soon ofc.

I used to want to volunteer in hospice work and I heard this is essential. You try to make them happy in their final moments, because they will be terrified, they will be upset and such naturally, so you have to comfort them, make the dying patients try to not pass away in torment, fear, agony or whatever.

I can understand that notion of saving your tears for later. I've seen parents talk about knowing when their children were gonna die, children with cancer or so and trying to hide their pain, their sadness so they can focus on giving their child the best remaining months, weeks or whatever whilst they still have the chance to. Making the most of the extremely limited time life they have with them until they are gone permanently.
It's hard to describe, but in a sense we could say goodbye to each other and that gives me peace. Also the fact that I stayed with her and gave her my full attention to make her comfortable and just be there. A couple of years later the 14 old labrador of my parents died, too. (with whom I spent most of my teens and early adult yeras, too.) He had cancer and as a consequence this caused him to collect water in his legs and lungs on his final days. We had to call the vet to put him down at home eventually or he would have suffocated from the water in his lungs a few hours later. My parents were totally overwhelmed, but since I had the experience with my bunny I could keep my cool a little better and went to buy him some flowers and I also gave him some expensive ham as a last snack. He loved it. I tried my best to celebrate his last hours in a positive manner. When the vet came, our dog knew something was up though because my parents couldnt hide their panic. I wish they would have left the room so out dog could have relaxed and be more at peace while falling asleep peacefully - as if he was given a couple of pain shots as it usually was the case. Instead he fought the meds and it prolonged his struggle for a while while my parents really started crying and being overwhelmed. The dog was terrified in the end before falling asleep at some point. He had a really good life prior to that though. It wasn't nice to see him fall asleep like that in the end... So if anything... I would give anyone in that situation the advice to stay calm and if possible stay positive. Maybe even keep a little smile on. You can cry your eyes out later for a long time, but in that moment be strong for your loved one. It gives you peace in the final moments. Both of you.

Hahaha the holy grail bunny! I've wanted Carrot to get a savage moment like that somehow tbh! Funny as these are all white bunnies too!
That would have been really cool! Maybe there is still hope if the spoilers are true she is happy next chapter. Maybe due to great news! :)

Hahaha, so shes a sassy bunny then right? Bless!
She totally is the definition of sass. xD Especially on those days when her hormones go crazy and tell her to build a nest. The boys are pretty relaxed though and when she is not on a mission for food or babies she snuggles up to them all the time. It doesn't even matter if the sun is burning at the sky at 50°C they sit together and snuggle come whatever may. lol. I really am grateful for every day they put a smile on my face with their daily nonsense though. It's a lot of fun and I am glad I made the decision, because after the death of the bunny I mentioned above I didnt plan to adopt new pets for a while ... maybe forever. But after a couple of years later I did again and boy, I would have missed out a lot of great moments. :D
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