What will Greenbull’s Devil fruit be?

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Oda também ignorou seriamente o enredo do ceifador de Zoro.. O que foi isso mesmo? Espero que ele volte e não continue como se nada tivesse acontecido.
Também estamos anos após o timeskip e ainda não sabemos como Zoro perdeu o olho.
Eu nem sei se Oda sabe mais o que está fazendo…
I interpreted it as the way Oda chose to demonstrate that Zoro received the pains of the medicine.
Also did Oda seriously just skip Zoro’s grim reaper plotline.. Wtf was that even about? I hope he comes back to it and doesn’t just keep going like nothing even happened.
We’re also years after the timeskip and we still don’t know how Zoro lost his eye.
I don’t even know if Oda knows what he is doing anymore…
Because Oda doesn't think so much at all. Everything is speculation by fans, just like ZKK
He had a whole week to recover and Awaken.
Citizens will feel the threat they never felt during Onigashima.
Yes, it all makes sense. You just gotta wait for it. :goyea:
Good for you never give up lol. Not sure even if we leave the island would stop you from saying ZKK would still happen lol
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