What will Greenbull’s Devil fruit be?

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wait imagine if the SH's leave next chapter with no knowledge that an admiral is coming to Wano

Imagine them then hearing about what happens later on in a few chapters time and then Yamato might actually get some character growth from it as well
don't worry denjiro will fend him off

How can the "Yonkou Saga" be over if Luffy still hasn't beaten Blackbeard and hasn't met Shanks? Isn't it premature to talk of the final saga?
"original" yonko were Kaido, Big Mom, Shanks, and WB , 3 of them are dead (well 2 of them is still unsure) and i think Shanks is not on Luffy's yonko saga, so that might be just the end of yonko saga...

Blackbeard for sure is in the final saga portion IMO


So why did Kaido choose Wano as his base? Where is the road poneglyph???? Oda I want answers.

I'm guessing Momo will reveal to Luffy where the Road Poneglpyh is after reading Oden's journal

The Dawn might only happen at the end of series, when Momo decides to open the borders

I have no idea why Kaido wanted Wano so bad


So why did Kaido choose Wano as his base? Where is the road poneglyph???? Oda I want answers.

Dawn is probably delayed until the endgame. Wano opening probably happens near the same time as Fishman Island emerging from under water. Through Shirahoshi/Momo commanding Sea Kings/Zunesha.

I think the last panel of One Piece will be the Sunny sailing into the "dawn", as the crew go on in search of new adventure, subverting the old trope of sailing into the sunset.


- Where is Kaido's Red Poneygpysh?
- Tengu is Sukiyaki?
- Why is Wano so Important?
- Are BM and Kaido dead???
There's a lot more than that

What about Zoro's lineage with Shimotsuki and him looking just like Ushimaru and Ryuma?

What about Tama? she also doesn't care about going with Luffy anymore?

If they are leaving in 1053, how can Oda do the Green Bull stuff before they leave?

a few for example


Dawn is probably delayed until the endgame. Wano opening probably happens near the same time as Fishman Island emerging from under water. Through Shirahoshi/Momo commanding Sea Kings/Zunesha.

I think the last panel of One Piece will be the Sunny sailing into the "dawn", as the crew go on in search of new adventure, subverting the old trope of sailing into the sunset.
I actually don't like the crew going on another adventure.

Just because there's a few scenes in my head that i would love to see:

Sanji taking over the Germa 66 army and those moving castle snails to make huge Baratie 2.0 for Zef and the old crew, so they can keep making food from the new created All Blue.

Zoro resting in Wano drinking Sake, and Momo coming to challenge Zoro for the WSS title, and also Enma.

Stuff like that would be dope as an epilogue.
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