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Just say when it appeared, at night or when? I absorbed a skill this phase, and 1 missed me. At night I was hit by nothing, this is why I replied to you, because in your first post you said that you activated that at night, now that we talked this out, it seems that it was activated this phase right? Or are you talking about d1? In d1 a role crush miseed me. d2 a pasive block missed me.
It appeared this phase
I thought that game was basically a baby transfer emulator LMAO.
Indeed it is a game based on exploration, I refunded it tho because I found it boring in my first h on stream, but I watched the cut scenes on yt after and it looked decent, still dont have the wish to play it. I prefer games who are more action orientated.


Muugen, I don't recall seeing reads from your end as well. Care to share yours? curious on where your minds at in the game so far. I am really iffy about your miller claim, but ill trust flower here for the time being.
yeah I’ll give ‘em in a few driving rn Lao playing from cycle 2 so my reads aren’t fully developed yet
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