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(as of post #6078)

*votes may not reflect their actual value*

Pot Goblin - 9
BakiDou - 7
Doddsy - 1
Peroroncino - 1
Joygirl - 1
Adam - 1

Flowa: Doddsy -> Marimo_420 -> Joygirl -> BakiDou -> Pot Goblin
Dr_Professor83: Doddsy -> BakiDou
MUUGEN: Doddsy -> Grammaton -> Unvote -> BakiDou
Lord Melkor: Doddsy -> BakiDou
BakiDou: Doddsy -> Unvote -> Pot Goblin
SoulKiller: Pot Goblin
Grammaton: Pot Goblin
TheAncientCenturion: BakiDou -> BakiDou (again)
RippedCal: Peroroncino
Peroroncino: BakiDou
Ultra: Doddsy -> Pot Goblin -> Joygirl -> Pot Goblin -> RippedCal -> Unvote -> Pot Goblin
MitchMatch: Doddsy
T-Pein: Pot Goblin -> Grammaton -> Unvote -> Pot Goblin -> Doddsy -> Pot Goblin
MangoSenpai: Peroroncino -> nikicado avocado (*invalid) -> Unvote -> Joygirl -> Baka Door (BakiDou?)
Doddsy: Pot Goblin
Joygirl: Doddsy -> Flowa -> Adam
Kagurashii: Doddsy -> Unvote -> Pot Goblin
LethalBanks: MangoSenpai -> Unvote
Nikamara: Kagurashii -> Joygirl
Blue: No One Yet (*invalid)
QueenEmilia: BakiDou
Adam: Joygirl -> Pot Goblin

Please check your votes and tell me if there's anything wrong!
This is good.
Town is destroying us fellow scumboys.
Top 2 wagons are scum.


The End and the Beginning
Probably. Tbh you can off them all. I don‘t mind.
No, I can't, and no, I won't. You're expecting me to be the town vig, I'm not the town vig. I'm going to be firing elsewhere, because I will need some successful targets sooner rather than later.
Are you going to start thinking at all this game, or is this another one where you need to be carried through?

I told you, nonsense do not register in my head. I have no idea what the hell you on about. Did me addressing gramma post rub you off the wrong way or something? get your head out of the gutter mate.


The End and the Beginning
I was confused about wtf she was talking about, it doesn't imply what she saying had any veracity. I'm getting sick of your shit
If you were actually paying attention, and not saving face or whatever - there would be no reason for confusion, as you'd know it would be a straight up falsehood, and thus you should have corrected it instead of allowing it to float around until someone else does it for you. Seems rather more likely that you're asleep at the wheel again.
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