What will Greenbull’s Devil fruit be?

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id respect him as a man if he was honest and admitted hes trying to stir the pot but hes like one breath saying people are being mean to him and the next breath calling everyone who's not 100 percent on the same page stupid, pathetic etc. he keeps asking for the smoke and not wanting any smoke.


Welcome to the House of Hope
Oh no lmfao. Thats definitely stoking the flames there hahahaha! He hated it naturally AFAIK, but I can't remember his exact opinions or criticisms on it unfortunately.

He nuked all his old videos unfortunately, he was getting a LOT of hate on them including his "Defecation" videos which like predecssors to his his Downfall videos and only involved figuratively shitting/defecating on OP and not literally thankfully LMFAO!

He discussed it thoroughly here in Bragos stream about WCI:
This is one of the times where the community really became aware of him, turning on him and gunning for him on streams and his own channel and Twitter too.
They would relentlessly insult and make fun of him especially whenever he appeared on his Youtuber friends streams too.
Drizzt has a pinned comment explaining his reasonings and perspective on the video too.

As someone said on here recently, Joyboy Theories tried to witch hunt him on Twitter and YouTube, sending his cult after him in a "not so direct way" but still blatantly obvious.

I've always hated JBT since he first appeared and that cemented my hatred of him too. He shit talked Drizzt on Twitter whilst pretending to be his friend, like him and putting on his usual nice guy facade.
Gonna watch it later. 4 years ago, huh? I wonder if his opinion will change somewhat when the part3 releases.
I wanted to know more about his opinion on WCI, because I think he actually almost didn't talk anything about Sanji in Dressrosa. I felt like he just didn't want to talk about Sanji because he doesn't like the character so he just mentions the bare minimum.
I thought it was a pity.

Gorosei Informer

drizzt is just a toxic retard who pretends like he's being polite while insulting anyone who disagrees with him. hes like a woman with BPD always starting shit and begging for drama and then playing a victim
Huh?! When and where has he insulted people?!

What the actual fuck...I NEVER saw shit like that from him and I knew him for a while and was even one of his mods.

He would debate people on OP in specific videos, he would apologise if he was slow to respond to People and even thoroughly respond to them in a calm, polite manner, even responding to each individual point, even if it was a small essay at least.

You're calling him a retard, toxic and a woman with BPD, jesus christ dude...Projection?

Also using woman and BPD as an insult? Yikes.

These last few days are seriously making me regret coming back after my brief break from here.
Is this "zoro fights a calamity while sanji fights a flying 6 because sanji hasn't shown feats to suggest he can fight a calamity" cope already?
Calm down man, we're not even out of Wano yet.
No I was never part of that group, Obviously Sanji will fight an Admiral at some point. I’m just saying we don’t know when. Remember Zoro has to fight both Mihawk and Shiryuu we have to see the progression of his strength soon. So for this particular instance Oda may have Zoro clash with Greenbull, Zoro won’t defeat Greenbull it’s just to have him flex.
Seriously, how are some people saying that FI is better than Wano or other Post Timeskip arcs? FI is garbage
FI was lot better than act 3. Act 3 is just average. There is no reason to hate FI arc other than having a weak villain. Only thing that can save wano act 3 is lore information, reason for closing borders, dawn coming by opening the borders, information on Kaidou and Bigmom poneglyphs, and other things related to one piece.
Having Sabo hijack Akainu while Luffy fights the Kaguya would be lame as fuck.
Having Ace 2.0 defeating Ace killer would be lame as fuck.

However, having Yamao, which is: an ice user who will surpass Aokiji (by finishing what Aokiji failed to do), a mythical dog (and not mere colored dog), a literally unknown power from Wano (whom Akainu was worried with), and the only girl who ever befriended Ace; defeating Akainu will be cool as fuck.
What do you think? @Ravagerblade
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