What will Greenbull’s Devil fruit be?

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I think the Marines/WG have Mihawk on Yonkou status when it comes to power; Mihawk isn't a Yonkou because he doesn't have a crew or territory.

Dude was like "Meh, I can handle my own business, I have no interest micro-managing people weaker than me" and joined the Shichibukai just for his own convenience.

Mihawk used Marineford as a training arc, to test his strength against Whitebeard and his crew. I repeat: MIHAWK SHOWED UP TO MARINEFORD TO TEST HIS ABILITIES. Mihawk is a madman, he's definitely above Law and Kid in terms of power, Mihawk just doesn't give a fuck about making a crew/conquering territory.
I hope the Marines didn't grab Mihawk - they should have sent at least 1 Admiral to him. And I think it could be Greenbull. Why? Firstly, it would be a great indicator for us that the Green Bull is VERY STRONG, secondly, I am sure that the Marine sent at least 1 Admiral against Mihawk, otherwise it would be ridiculous, but if this Admiral lost, then how are the Marines now allows sending 1 more Admiral to Wano when the last enemy is WG and the Watch together? Come on and Teach
I think sending one Admiral for the alliance is bullshit unless Oda wants them to neg. He literally showed Fujitora in bandages versus 4 RA Commanders with RyoukoGyou's help . Here you have 3 men who dethroned 2 yonkous, 2 powerful adv CoC users, Sanji, Jimbe, and the rest of SHP, Kidd Pirates, Heart Pirates and even the remaining Akazaya 9 and other samurais. Thinking GB takes them down all by himself and fodder marines is absolute bollocks. What is LolDA thinking here?
We will see bro. There won't be serious fight
This have something weird, some guys said it's a final "arc", and another guys said it's a final "saga" ... Who is correct? Because have difference between these two, someone can explain it? Please

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
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