What will Greenbull’s Devil fruit be?

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The way Kaido was defeated wasn't underwhelming, I think most villains from now on will be finished by Luffy's punches alone, not a fucking underground volcano. Only his backstory was disappointing but I think we will find out more about him and Big Mom during Rocks' flashback. I hope it's at least half as long as Oden's flashback

Everyone shitting on One Piece, losing the interest. All these years following the series for it to reach never before seen lows.
Rest in peace OP, Oda somehow changed his mind 80% through the arc.
I think i know the answer, but i am still in denial. It can't be true, the plot points we've lost, the characters we've lost, why, just to suffer. He played us like a damn fiddle.
That's my point Lerkan. Yonko is a meaningless title because the gap between them is too wild (Shanks low diffs Kid or Law)
Your point got debunked as they can get Yonko title without being on Original Yonko level.

People discuss Original Yonko not the new ones. Lose again Lari. :goyea:

Don't use this garbage, inconsistent moment

current Hybrid Kaido now wouldn't be able to one shot Usopp.
Cry more. Kaido one-shotted ''so called fifth Yonko'' that would happen again if Law or Kid alone challenges Yonko. Morgan spread lies just like Ladmiral fanboys.
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