What will Greenbull’s Devil fruit be?

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We all know how bad it was… but after reading this… man it’s even worse
It's so bad

Imagine if at the end of the Soul Society Raid to rescue Rukia

Ichigo learns Bankai, and defeats Byakuya because Byakuya can't use Bankai for some reason (and Ichigo at least had to train for it lmao, Luffy didn't do shit to get it)


CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Or Absalom licking Robin and then assaulting Nami in Thriller Bark.
Interesting parallels here in the plot: Absalom used his Invisibility powers to spy on/assault Nami in a private bath: Sanji used his Invisibility powers to spy in a public/mixed bath. Sanji uses invisibility to LEGALLY ogle boobies, our guy /s
Big Mom has her DF for 60 years

Kaido has his for 40 years

they both lost to 3 newbies because they used awakening

Big Mom and Kaido can't use awakening

Big mom and Kaido were always portrayed more as genetic marvels than df wizards. They were both born naturally freakish, so understandably they didn't care much about breaking the limits of there dfs. Heck kaido seemed to be more into haki than df
The new yonkos have to be luffy , Kid and law others don't really make sense. Mihawk neither has crew nor interest heck not even the portrayal to get the yonko stature. Buggy might shithouse his way to yonko seat but oda has already played that card once will he pull it again ?( much more likely for buggy is to escape marines and somehow join shanks or atlest somehow associate himself with him). Wevill ? Naah. Doesn't have the feats. Boa ? Lacks strength to be a yonko.

So probably it is either all three of them or luffy + kid or luffy + law with law or kid getting shafted ( might actually be a nich gag moment)
Kid and Luffy and Law will be called Luffy’s right hand
That’s different. Luffys power is gear 5. It’ll be just like any other gear. So yeah he likely can freely use it.
If you think he has mastered it completely then I just agree to disagree. His awakening will be something he progresses in and masters as time goes by.

Even Law and Kidd, who had awakening already for longer, said they struggle to use it and it's heavily draining.

Luffy doesn't have Joyboy's full potential yet.
Tbh, doubt he's dead. This screams the opposite to me. Hawkins actually surviving is character growth to his belief in denying small odds. Plus, we get a timeskip right after this. Wouldn't be shocked if Drake saved his life.
Hawkins has to survive to represent a/the "Scarecrow" in Emerald City, the Vegapunk arc.

Biggest gripe for me about Hawkins in Wano is the lack of his crew. Where is Faust, a cat Mink!?!?
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