Take Yamato for example
i'm not a fan of the character based on the manga (sorry @Ghostly Reflections ), but the anime and lovely VA has done a good job of getting me back into her character
this is her introduction arc into the story and Oda did so very little work with her character, especially a lack of interactions with the crew before joining
Couldn't Oda just take away those panels from Zunesha and Zoro's Grimm Reaper and put that shit on giving Yamato more of that?
or a better flashback for Kaido?
My hope is that Oda does these useless plot threads to stall and give him more time to think of what to do next, because weekly writing is tough
but if that isn't the problem, then we could've used those panels better man
i'm not a fan of the character based on the manga (sorry @Ghostly Reflections ), but the anime and lovely VA has done a good job of getting me back into her character
this is her introduction arc into the story and Oda did so very little work with her character, especially a lack of interactions with the crew before joining
Couldn't Oda just take away those panels from Zunesha and Zoro's Grimm Reaper and put that shit on giving Yamato more of that?
or a better flashback for Kaido?
My hope is that Oda does these useless plot threads to stall and give him more time to think of what to do next, because weekly writing is tough
but if that isn't the problem, then we could've used those panels better man
Yeah they got a top tier VA for her and its really paid off. Oda is playing it very safe with her character tbh.
If I started typing up all the problems Wano has had and thus what could have been done to fix it, to make it better including your suggestions which I agree with, the month break for OP will be over by the time I'm done LMFAO!
He was definitely stalling tbh. He admitted his editors/Shueisha coerced him into doing the rooftop stuff and thus something special for 1000 when he hadn't planned on doing so, so we had 10 chapters of Luffy running to the rooftop and stalling naturally.
I've compared Oda to Kinemon with his "plan" almost the entire fanbase being his Denjiros, thinking he is this Aizen/Madara/Light Yagami etc type genius and thus master planner but Oda has admitted he has done a LOT of and thus major last minute additions to OP and thus improv. OP was meant to be a 5 year story and end MUCH sooner after all ofc.
These idiots who keep kissing Odas ass constantly don't realise they are doing the same shit a ton of guys do to women and also people do to celebrities, atheletes, high performers and such. They put them on increasingly high pedestals and thus creating increasingly difficult and thus ultimately impossible expectations for them to keep outdoing themselves and others somehow and thus always being at the top and such, especially with Oda and his cult fanbase/the Stanbase.
Fuck man, I really want the Grim Reaper to be a CP0's DF or something to do with Enma or especially Sandai.
Why the fuck can Enma even steal haki? Fuck is up with that? Cursed swords are confirmed a misconception canonically too so can't be that! I can't remember if seastone affects haki, that could have explained it potentially? Enma embdeed with seastone or made from it? To think of it, couldn't making a sword with seastone make it almost unbreakable anyway at least? Only Kozukis could enscribe and thus "damage" poneglyphs which are seastone? We still dont even know how the fucking they do it but haki right ofc?

I've been feeling so burned ironically on the lack of a proper flashback for Kaido after all these years of hype and waiting. I waited so DAMN LONG for Moria vs Kaido and to see why Moria lost his crew too. One single fucking panel and just a scene of them running and clashing in the anime too.
Kaido and BM had their DFs for decades, BM since childhood and thus for 63 years or so and no fucking confirmed awakenings? What the flying fuck of a godforsaken mess this arc and story is!
We don't even know why the samurai can cut fire IIRC but its surely the breath of all things ofc. So that is advanced CoO or what?