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  • Votes: 62 21.2%
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    Votes: 16 5.5%
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    Votes: 37 12.7%
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    Votes: 72 24.7%
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    Votes: 105 36.0%

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So this is how ZKK dies? Not with a bang, but with a bath scene?

My biggest gripe with the chapter is that Kiku didn't get to mourn Izo. Oda could've easily had her in the mourning scene AND in the bath scene, if he really wanted to. And frankly, I actually thought the bath scene was cute, because it's been a while since we had actual fun interactions between characters. The problem was its placement...


Well, it's a nice, funny story for grown up children. :kayneshrug:
We should not expect more from One Piece.

I'm glad we got some deaths at least.
Marco's behavior still makes no sense tho.

I'm disappointed Zoro's plot with the grim reaper didn't go anywhere except showing how close to death he was.
Wanna have an update on the black blades and Ryuma plotline. I hope we'll get something in the future

But where is Robin? Is she reading the poneglyph, is she currently safe?? Please Oda don't make Greenbull capture her:lawsigh:

The fanservice content used up to too much panel time.