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  • Votes: 62 21.2%
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    Votes: 72 24.7%
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    Votes: 105 36.0%

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Join the D.Gray Man fandom
We don’t care about power lvls and just enjoy the story. Nearly every character is great and the fandom accepted each characters role within the story
We only care about the mysteries and make different theories
nah, i'm justa kinda done with fandoms for some time

just waiting for Fuji's mafia game to end

and i'm gonna dip out
It isn't, but sure man.
Guess Mihawk is dumb as fuck because in 2 years he couldn't tell Zoro he had CoC since he had Asura already.

Damn, man. Not even I would slander Posthawk like this.
You are the one dumb as fk.
Show 1 panel of Mihawk ever commenting about Asura, or show 1 panel of Zoro ever using Asura in front of Mihawk? Mihawk has nothing to do with this.

If anything, Zoro the prodigy who accidentally unlocked CoC without trying to.


Lead them to paradise.

Do you feel that Marine Greatness???!!
As a marines fan myself, my expectations are 0. Im here for Fujitora, Kuzan and possibly Ryokugyu if I like him down the line. Not looking forwards to their fights, not looking forwards to interractions with the SHs,etc. I know it will be a clownfest lol.

Ima be stealing that marine gif though.


I still have copium for the Shimotsuki Plotline at least in the next 2 chapters

because that was so blatantly put there by Oda, it will be so weird if he just leaves that out there lol

somebody needs to see Zoro and say something during the feast

there's no way Oda just says

"Yo, Zoro looks exactly like Ushimaru and Ryuma"

and then fucks off lmao

and it's not like something that should be fixed later, when it's tied to Wano

unless Ushimaru is alive and hiding somewhere in the world i guess