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Pot - basically confirmed
Sallu - almost confirmed imo

Slighter Scum
Joygirl (but later priority) - answered lie detect in a possibility intentionally deceitful way, insists on herself being cleared way too hard by that in a way that is reminiscent of Ratchet and his sword in GoT, insists that Flower/Prof aren’t cleared by the same person whose clear she holds up as straight from god. That same person who that’s her clear infinitely less than the others but she ignores that. - if she’s Town she needs to relax and reevaluate things. Edit: actually this is all too much for scum. Maybe she is just belligerent town. How can scum play dumb so well?

Midnight - Ekko had some weird posts around


Probably Town
Yo Tan (pretty sure) - has a result against Sallu

Slight Town
Ultra - may should be probably town, like his recent posts
Marimo - gave Prof something, Prof hinted burn proof vest
Pero - baki was sure he was scum but has townie things going for him
Adam - could be scum in lynch pool

Kagura - wouldn’t be surprised if she’s scum slipping by bc she’s inherently acummt

Juliet = Bad Indie at least
Off the top of your head, what do you think is probably town about Soul/Gram respectively
Holy shit I'm actually free from that dog shit post restriction

But I smell some foul play here, first I get hit with that PR that makes it hard for me to talk
Then when I have a wagon on me someone activates a thunderdome
And then Iget hit with a game remove on top of that


I feel like JG would be less likely to kill Flower as scum since she was using Flower to waste time.
I didn’t say she killed her I said she’s been hard sussing her to begin with she’s been calling her scum and that she probably shared a fake rolesheet with Chuck and blee blue blah blah


Holy shit I'm actually free from that dog shit post restriction

But I smell some foul play here, first I get hit with that PR that makes it hard for me to talk
Then when I have a wagon on me someone activates a thunderdome
And then Iget hit with a game remove on top of that
Off the top of your head, what do you think is probably town about Soul/Gram respectively
Gram’s handling of the Adam thing on D1 reads more Town, his claiming controlled while already having claimed role crushed seems more Town than a claim blunder, and he seems a little too stubborn/hostile (ie: mocking me and Flower every other post which I take no offense to but do notice lmao) this game for scum compared to the time I saw him as scum before. He was a lot more chill in the FMA game as scum and didn’t seem to be trying to make enemies before he got outted.

SK I should probably reevaluate. I’m carrying that read from D1. He doesn’t seem to really care about finding scum and just wants to A.) argue with Ratchet and B.) criticize people who want to work with Ratchet.

He also goes on and on about we should just play mafia and not worry about results but I don’t see a lot of urgency from him to find scum.
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