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S04lk1ll3r r34ll9 sd33n 0t g3t bl4st3d. H1s 4ppr04ch sdr4w0t 3m 4nd j09g1rl s4w sc4mmy. P0t l00ks 3k1l 3h 1s 0p3n gn1fl0w 4t th1s p01nt. H1s p0sts m0rf ts4p d49s w3r3 0sl4 fl4ff. Th1s 1s 3ht ts0m st4p1d3st 4b1l1ty 1 h4v3 3v3r s33n 4nd wh4t's 3v3n th3 p01nt 0f 4s1ng 1t 0th3r th4n 4s1ng 1t t0 tr0ll th3 p3rs0n.
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Elastic Kill


Love is a painful illusion

Card Strike was used to kill @RippedCal / Gecko Moriah

"Live the life you have! In this world, your role is to be crushed!"

You are Gecko Moriah!
[Passive - Doppelman] Moriah can create a double of himself, earning him double the vote power of a normal role.

[Passive- Master of Shadows] Moriah's power comes from the amount of shadows he can take, therefore he grows stronger over time.

[Active- Kagemusha] Moria can bus drive two players.

[Active- Kage Kiri] Each time a player is lynched, you may use this ability to extract a random 1 shot ability from them. ( Maximum of abilities gained from this at any given time is 3. Will lose the Kagemusha ability once this is maxed for the first time.

[Active- Brick Bat] Target a player and rolecrush them for a cycle.

[Active- Shadow Asgard] Day 4 or later you may activate this to fully absorb the actives of one of the roles you killed as one shots. Will disable Kage Kiri and any ability gotten from it.(1 shot)

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Redacted Mafia.

Inazuma Kick was used on ???
S04lk1ll3r r34ll9 sd33n 0t g3t bl4st3d. H1s 4ppr04ch sdr4w0t 3m 4nd j09g1rl s4w scummy. P0t l00ks 3k1l 3h 1s 0p3n gn1fl0w 4t th1s p01nt. H1s p0sts m0rf ts4p d49s w3r3 0sl4 fl4ff. Th1s 1s 3ht ts0m st4p1d3st 4b1l1ty 1 h4v3 3v3r s33n 4nd wh4t's 3v3n th3 p01nt 0f 4s1ng 1t 0th3r th4n 4s1ng 1t t0 tr0ll th3 p3rs0n.
That ability is meant to kill you lol. But then I decided not to bc if you were a scum GA with a chat with scum they’d have probably not let you come so close to breaking it.
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