[Passive - Doppelman] Moriah can create a double of himself, earning him double the vote power of a normal role.
[Passive- Master of Shadows] Moriah's power comes from the amount of shadows he can take, therefore he grows stronger over time.
[Active- Kagemusha] Moria can bus drive two players.
[Active- Kage Kiri] Each time a player is lynched, you may use this ability to extract a random 1 shot ability from them. ( Maximum of abilities gained from this at any given time is 3.
Will lose the Kagemusha ability once this is maxed for the first time.
[Active- Brick Bat] Target a player and rolecrush them for a cycle.
[Active- Shadow Asgard] Day 4 or later you may activate this to fully absorb the actives of one of the roles you killed as one shots.
Will disable Kage Kiri and any ability gotten from it.(1 shot)
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Redacted Mafia.