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Like i can easily list many points mechanical wise why I am townie but I have pride to maintain and I won't take the easy approach and out every single ability of mine that might possibly get me killed and explained how I contributed in fucking mafia over alot just to satisfy people and give mafia and indie information. Fuck that, i prefer to die instead. You guys can hopefully resolve the game after me gone anyways.

people are more than welcome to investigate me or lie detect me.

I am townie as fuck, purest townie, most green blooded townie in this damn game.
Asking SK to respond to a bunch of posts accusing him of being scum and being surprised when he comes off defensive seems a tad unfair, imho
>SK some people read you scummy and you are in PoE now, catch up and say something pls
>I do that
>SK is being defensive since he is replying to bunch of posts, scummy.

just top kek worthy.
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