Kidd and Law both outdid Zoro and will be receiving rewards greater than Zoro for their performance. Still. Zoro was very impressive.
For an underling. Buts that’s all he is, and will ever be. You can’t compare him to the big shots of the new era
Mate, I commonly try to be fair in approaching things, so obviously I wish to congratulate Kidd and Law fans on their bois becoming the top dogs of the new era.
However, it is also true that power creep in One Piece is real. This much is undeniable.
Why am I telling you this? Simple: that guy you said will never amount to more than an underling will still have to contend with Fujitora and Mihawk.
Fujitora busts out interstellar-level feats in his sleep, and despite this, Mihawk still retains the WSS title. When Zoro has to finally measure up to their interstellar-level attacks, suddenly blowing a hole in an island against Linlin will seem miniscule.
I am not trying to start an argument here. You are happy for Kidd and you certainly earned the right to do so. Just keep in mind that the mere underling you mocked may one day pull out feats your boi might not even have the scale to do, regardless of bounties or reputation.