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The Spooky Mafia:

The Spooky Mafia:

''Ainz Ooal Gown does not know defeat. ''

You are Ainz Ooal Gown!

[Passive - Momon] Having taken the appearence of the heroic adventurer Momon, Ainz has gained the favor and admiration of many citizens of this new world as such he scans innocent to investigations and is immune to lie detects.

[Passive - Elder Lich] Possessing immense vitality Ainz is bulletproof, additionally if he loses an ability wether it be stolen or destroyed he will always regenerate it back a cycle later.
---Overlord--- Having dominion over death, Ainz will be able to survive the first super kill that targets him, however he will lose this passive afterwards.

[Passive - Skeleton Mage] Casting magic spells require a lot of mana usage and one can find themselves easily drained , as a Skeleton Mage however Ainz is much more efficient with his mana usage and will thus be able to use the same ability twice per night, this will leave him unable to use any other ability in conjunction . ( the reuse excludes the faction kill and fallen down)
---Paralysis Immunity--- Perk of being an undead lich, Ainz is immune to role crushes.

[Active - Death Knight] Ainz may summon a death knight to protect one of his teammates, the death knight will bounce back anything that targets them (excluding super kills).

[Active - Fallen down] Ainz may target a player and janitor kill them, cannot be used in conjuntion of the faction kill or twice. (2 shots)
--- Wish upon a star---
Day 4 or later, Ainz may active this to create an ability under host supervision. (1 shot) Cannot be refilled.

[Active - Hellflame] Ainz may target a player and burn one of their abilities, destroying it for a cycle.

[Active - Time stop] Ainz may activate this to render a phase actionless. (1 shot)
--- Temporal stasis---
Ainz may activate this ability to remove himself from the game for a cycle, becoming immune to all actions (1 shot).

[Active -Iä Shub-Niggurath ] Locked.
--- True death---
Ainz may target a dead player and render them unable to ressurect. (1 shot)

[Active - The Goal of All Life is Death] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Spooky Mafia.

View attachment 10930

"First, second, and third Floor Guardian, Shalltear Bloodfallen, at your command."

You are Shalltear Bloodfallen!
[Passive - Innocent Looks] Shalltear's youthful looks give her the ability to pass through towns and villages without raising suspicion, therefore she is immune to watch/tracking abilities when performing any non killing action.
--- True Vampire--- Each time she performs a kill Shalltear will lose her innocent Looks passive for 2 cycles but will become immune to roleblocks instead.

[Passive - Blood Drinker] Each time Shalltear kills two target she gets a refill to one of her abilities.
---Frenzy--- After 3 kills Shalltear will go on a frenzy and be unable to use any of her abilities and will force the faction kill to be done by her the following night.

[Passive - Mystic Eyes of Charms] Shalltear will charm any player that targets her with an action, if its their first time visiting her she will render their vote on her useless. If its the 2nd time they visit her she will become immune to their actions on her for that cycle. If they visit her for the 3rd time she will become completely immune to them for the rest of the game.
---Blood Shield--- Shalltear posseses a blood shield protecting her at all times, as long as it is active it will protect her against kills ( excluding Ultra kills). Her blood shield has 2 charges, each charge can protect from a kill. 2 charges for a superkill. This passive can be refilled through Spuit Lance.

[Active- Spuit Lance] Shalltear may use this ability to target a player with a roleblock.
---Life return--- each time she targets a player she will recover half a charge of blood shield.

[Active- Shalltear Bloodfallen's Armor] Shalltear may activate this ability to raise her defense levels and become immune to all actions in the game for a phase, she is however uable to use any other ability.( 1 shot) Cannot be refilled, can only be refilled once again through Blood drinker.

[Active- Time reverse ] Shalltear may use this action to revive one of her fallen comrades back to life(1 shot). Cannot be refilled.

[Active- Charm species] Shalltear may target a player and charm them, learning their full role.
--- Servant--- If Shalltear targets the same player again she may gain full control of their role for a phase(2 shot).

[Active- Enherjar] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Spooky Mafia.

View attachment 10931
"Live the life you have! In this world, your role is to be crushed!"

You are Gecko Moriah!
[Passive - Doppelman] Moriah can create a double of himself, earning him double the vote power of a normal role.

[Passive- Master of Shadows] Moriah's power comes from the amount of shadows he can take, therefore he grows stronger over time.

[Active- Kagemusha] Moria can bus drive two players.

[Active- Kage Kiri] Each time a player is lynched, you may use this ability to extract a random 1 shot ability from them. ( Maximum of abilities gained from this at any given time is 3. Will lose the Kagemusha ability once this is maxed for the first time.

[Active- Brick Bat] Target a player and rolecrush them for a cycle.

[Active- Shadow Asgard] Day 4 or later you may activate this to fully absorb the actives of one of the roles you killed as one shots. Will disable Kage Kiri and any ability gotten from it.(1 shot)

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Spooky Mafia.

View attachment 10933
''I am the Dung Eater! A scourge upon the living!''

You are the Dung Eater!

[Passive- Abominable Smell] The Dung eater will automatically reject any neighbor chats and is also unable to receive help.

[Passive- Tarnished] The Dung eater's vote power counts for 0 unless he is in the same wagon as one of his teammates.

[Passive- Omen] The Dung eater's armor is what he has to offer, he will start the game bulletproof but will lose this status once he's used his armor parts more than twice.

[Active- Omen Helm] The Dung Eater may activate this to change someone's appearance in writeups for a phase.

[Active - Omen Chest] The Dung Eater may target a player and reinforce their next action.(Including the faction kill) (2 shots)

[Active - Omen Gauntlets] The Dung Eater may target a player and refill them. ( 2 shots)

[Active - Seedbed Curse] The Dung Eater may apply this on a player and curse, disabling their active abilities for a cycle. ( 1 shot)

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Spooky Mafia.

The Sinister Mafia:

The Sinister Mafia

Doddsy- Neo Acacia
Lanji Cucksmoke- Professor Chaos
T-pein- Frieza
Soulkiller- Moriarty

''Continuing to live... means continuing to eat things... And continuing to eat things.. means to keep killing things... Nature is always... giving life to us... That is why we share. Food... and life...''

You are Neo Acacia!
[Passive - Long gone master] As the greatest bishokuya in the world, Acacia was know far and wide in the Toriko world to be a presence of peace and justice, therefore Neo Acacia will scan innocent to investigations.

[Passive - Knocking] Acacia will roleblock the first person that visits him during a cycle for a phase. In addition he will learn of their role.
--- Damage Knocking --- Acacia will rolecrush the any player who targets him twice in a row for a cycle.

[Passive - Gourmet Cell] Acacia's incredible regenerative abilities allow him to be bullet proof as well as survive the first superkill in the game that targets him but he will be unable to use any active ability for a cycle afterwards.

[Passive - Gourmet God] Any benefitial ability used on Acacia has its effect improved.

[Active- Back channel: Hard] Day 3 or after, Select 3 players and delay their actions for a cycle. (1 shot)

[Active- Gourmet Hand] Targetting a player with his massive planet sized hand, Acacia knocks them back, role-crushing them for a cycle. If he targets the same player a second time he will destroy one of their abilities at random. If he targets the same player a third time, he will permanently role-crush them. Finally, targeting them for a fourth time will allow him to take an ability from them.

[Active- Gourmet Punch] No one can escape this relentless flurry of punches. Acaia may target a player and vote silence them for 1 cycle. If he targets the same person again they will be thread silenced for a cycle. A third use on the same target will destroy a random ability of theirs.
--- Gourmet Viking--- Activating this on any person who endured the three stages of Gourmet punch will janitor kill the target and Acacia will learn their full role. (1 shot) Cannot be refilled.

[Active- Heavy Rain: Feast of Kings] Day 4 or later, Acacia may activate this to challenge any player to an RPS match, if he wins Acacia will devour his target through immunities. Ultra killing them. If he loses Acacia dies and a gourmet wish is born. Any player from the thread will then run a chance to get the ability through an event.( 1 shot). Cannot be refilled.

[Active- God's Grip] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Sinister Mafia.

View attachment 10940
"Sorry, Grandma, but you brought this on yourself!

You are Professor Chaos!

[Passive - Super Villain] Butters, I mean Professor Chaos's evil is so widely aborrhed that merely being near him will make people raise eye brows about you, thus Professor Chaos will frame the first person he visits to scan guilty for a cycle.
--- Evil Brotherhood--- Professor Chaos loves evil therefore his vote on any person that scans guilty counts for 0.

[Passive - Bringer of Destruction and Doom!] Professor chaos relishes in mayhem, his very being lives for chaos and his attacks cannot be predicted. He is therefore immune to redirects and control abilities.

[Passive - Helmet of Chaos] The iconic piece that makes him recognizable, Professor chaos can use telepathy through helm and will create a chat with the first person that targets him with a positive action for a cycle, at the end of the cycle Chaos may ask the player if they want to recreate another chat. If they do, Chaos will put a tracking device on them and see who they will visit the following night.
--- Telekinesis--- Prof Chaos will dodge the first negative action targetting him each cycle.

[Active- Chaos Cloak] Professor Chaos can use this cloak to shield himself and another player of his choice from actions( except superkills and some exceptions) for a phase, he is however unable to perform any other action in the meantime.

[Active - Chaos Storm] Target 5 players and destroy the first 2 incoming actions from any of them, lasts a phase.(2 shots)

[Active - Chaos Blast] Professor chaos charges up this attack, destroying the action of any player that targets him.( 1 shots)
---Chaos surge---
Professor Chaos can target a player and redirect them to a player of his choice.( 1 shot)

[Active - Life Drain] Professor Chaos may target 2 players and steal 2 X shots from them and use those as a refill.(1 shot)

[Active - Hammer of Chaos] Day 4 or later With his mighty hammer swing, Professor Chaos stuns all of his enemies rendering the phase actionless except for his allies. ( Certain exceptions apply)( 1 shot).

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Sinister Mafia.

"You were made to die by my hand!"

You are Frieza!

[Passive - (Emperor Frieza) You are the Emperor of the known universe, thus your vote power counts for 2.

[Passive - Superhuman Durability] - As the strongest being in the galaxy ( or so he believes), Frieza possesses a hardy body, thus he will survive the first regular kill on him.
---Alien Body--- Even after being cut in half Frieza survived Namek, therefore even after dying he will remain in the game as a talking head.

[Passive - You thought that was it] - Whenever you are lynched you will attempt to kill your last voter.

[Active- Superhuman Speed] - Frieza demonstrates a high level of speed on numerous occasions.By activating this, He can perform his action without being tracked or watched. [2-shots]

[Active - Death beam] - Frieza's attacks are so strong that they allow him to barely leaves a single trace of the living,If he performs the factional kill after activating this his target will be superkilled instead.( 1 shot)

[Active - 5 minutes until Namek blows up] - Frieza may activate this to prolong the night phase for another 24 hours.(1 shot)

[Active - Finger beam] - You may activate this to cancel an upcoming investigation ability. [1-shot]
--- Blaster Shot---
Target a WU and destroy it, does not work on night write ups.(1 shot)

[Active - 100% form] Frieza may activate this to refill 2 of his abilities.(1 shot) Cannot be refilled.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Sinister Mafia.
View attachment 10941
"The Lord of William James Moriarty."

You are William James Moriarty!
[Passive - Noble] Being the perceived second son of the Moriaty noble line, James appears to be nothing less than a law abidding gentleman. Thus he scans innocent to investigations and is immune to lie detects.
---Smooth talker--- James is known for his silver tongue, he is able to charm many a person with it. Thus everytime James is town read in the thread he will gain 1 charge of crime consultancy currency.

[Passive - Crime Consultant] At the start of the game there will be an annoucement that the Crime Consultancy agency will be open to the public for all to join, any player who joins it will find themselves in a pm chat that will remain open for the remainder of the game ( or until James dies). James will then be allowed to interract with anyone that joins in many ways.
---Louis James Moriarty--- James's brother and bodyguard, he will jump in to save his brother from the first kill targetting him in the game, dying for him instead.

[Passive - Cold and Calculating Mind] James prides himself in his ability to remain calm and collected at all times, even in the face of grave danger. Therefore he is immune to rolecrushes, ability destruction/disable and control abilities.

[Active - Sebastian Moran] One of james's associates, a skilled assassin that will do anything for him. James may use this ability to poison a target of his choice. They will die two cycles later if not healed.
---Fast acting poison--- If James targets a player outside of his crime consultancy however the poison's effect will fasten and they will day 1 cycle later instead. 5 crime consultancy currency. (2 shot)

[Active - Fred Porlock] A skilled martial artist under James. He can be used to roleblock a target for a phase.
---Tiger Palm Fist--- If James targets a player outside of his crime consultancy however the roleblock will last 1 cycle instead. 4 crime consultancy currency. ( 2 shot)

[Active - James Bonde] An amazing actor that works with James. He can be used to infiltrate even the highest places and learn the biggest secrets. You can target a player and learn their role.
---Oscar Worthy Performance--- If you target a player outside of the crime consultancy however the role cop becomes a role copy of 2 of their abilities as a one shot. 10 crime consultancy currency.(1 shot)

[Active - Fred Porlock] The Buttler of the Moriarty family, he can be used to empower his master's allies
--- Double action--- 12 crime consultancy currency.
--- Refill--- 8 crime consultancy currency.
--- Unstopable action--- 10 crime consultancy currency.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Sinister Mafia.
Thanks for the game @Fujishiro
Btw @Dr_Professor83 @Peroroncino back on Day 3 when I got lynched for the first time I was planning on faking my death with a fake WU. Basically I was going to pretend that I flipped Townie with a Carrot role. Made a fake role and everything. I posted it below, it was supposed to be in the format of a WU like when Joe Biden died.

Would this have worked?

Who Wants Rabbit Stew?

@Pot Goblin / Carrot has been super killed

"Truly, the ocean is a wonderland!!!"

You are Carrot!

[Passive - Mid-Air Jump] As a Rabbit Mink, Carrot is able to jump mid-air to dodge even the slash of a strong swordsman, making her bulletproof.

[Passive - Lookout] Through her role as a Lookout on the Straw Hat Pirate's ship she is able to see any danger from miles around. She will see if anyone visits her during night phase.

[Active - Electro] Minks are born with the power to produce electricity. Target another player and electrocute them, roleblocking them for a phase.

[Active - Claw Gauntlets] As a Mink Musketeer and under Pedro's mentorship Carrot is a skilled warrior with clawed gauntlets as her choice of weapon, target a player and protect them.

[Active - Sulong Form] Locked

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
I didn’t see it. I knew you had to of outted at least a teammate but no way to change my play off that. But can’t speak for anyone else.

Doesn’t matter now.
good thats one
im sure none of the town saw it
and only 2/3 indies did

if their play was not going to be impacted by it / if they could win with mafia, they can ignore it like i did in aries game and not out the team. otherwise, maybe subbed. we have 48 hour night to find subs

it doesnt matter now, because our host made a hasty decision imo

i'll concede if more ppl saw it. worst might have seen it, but he can be subbed back to joy

game was 1 phase away from ending anyway. joy can play that maybe
Thanks for the game @Fujishiro
Btw @Dr_Professor83 @Peroroncino back on Day 3 when I got lynched for the first time I was planning on faking my death with a fake WU. Basically I was going to pretend that I flipped Townie with a Carrot role. Made a fake role and everything. I posted it below, it was supposed to be in the format of a WU like when Joe Biden died.

Would this have worked?

Who Wants Rabbit Stew?

@Pot Goblin / Carrot has been super killed

"Truly, the ocean is a wonderland!!!"

You are Carrot!

[Passive - Mid-Air Jump] As a Rabbit Mink, Carrot is able to jump mid-air to dodge even the slash of a strong swordsman, making her bulletproof.

[Passive - Lookout] Through her role as a Lookout on the Straw Hat Pirate's ship she is able to see any danger from miles around. She will see if anyone visits her during night phase.

[Active - Electro] Minks are born with the power to produce electricity. Target another player and electrocute them, roleblocking them for a phase.

[Active - Claw Gauntlets] As a Mink Musketeer and under Pedro's mentorship Carrot is a skilled warrior with clawed gauntlets as her choice of weapon, target a player and protect them.

[Active - Sulong Form] Locked

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.
Nah lol. I was certain you were scum lol.
Thanks for the game @Fujishiro
Btw @Dr_Professor83 @Peroroncino back on Day 3 when I got lynched for the first time I was planning on faking my death with a fake WU. Basically I was going to pretend that I flipped Townie with a Carrot role. Made a fake role and everything. I posted it below, it was supposed to be in the format of a WU like when Joe Biden died.

Would this have worked?

Who Wants Rabbit Stew?

@Pot Goblin / Carrot has been super killed

"Truly, the ocean is a wonderland!!!"

You are Carrot!

[Passive - Mid-Air Jump] As a Rabbit Mink, Carrot is able to jump mid-air to dodge even the slash of a strong swordsman, making her bulletproof.

[Passive - Lookout] Through her role as a Lookout on the Straw Hat Pirate's ship she is able to see any danger from miles around. She will see if anyone visits her during night phase.

[Active - Electro] Minks are born with the power to produce electricity. Target another player and electrocute them, roleblocking them for a phase.

[Active - Claw Gauntlets] As a Mink Musketeer and under Pedro's mentorship Carrot is a skilled warrior with clawed gauntlets as her choice of weapon, target a player and protect them.

[Active - Sulong Form] Locked

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.
Grammaton had a list of all alive players and their flavors tho?


No dude... that's a bike...!!
im not saying i didnt giga troll

i made a terrible mistake, and for that i apologize @Fujishiro

and i apologize to everyone who put time and effort in this game

however, the decision to end it this hastily is what is frustrating me

i would of said the same if anyone else did the same thing


good thats one
im sure none of the town saw it
and only 2/3 indies did

if their play was not going to be impacted by it / if they could win with mafia, they can ignore it like i did in aries game and not out the team. otherwise, maybe subbed. we have 48 hour night to find subs

it doesnt matter now, because our host made a hasty decision imo

i'll concede if more ppl saw it. worst might have seen it, but he can be subbed back to joy

game was 1 phase away from ending anyway. joy can play that maybe
you’re a complete fucking idiot.
The Magic Tree descent was activated to create a pair of shot glasses. ??? became drunk with power after drinking from these magically created cups.
World Tree Mage was used create chaos.
Chaos protocol 1 has been initiated.
Poisoned apple was used to kill Dr_Professor.
Chaos protocol 2 has been initiated.
Nature affinity was used to summon the kraken.
The Kraken chewed up Ratchet. He will die in 2 phases unless the kraken is lynched.
Warding Ash has been used on ??? and ???
Great Tree Mistilstein has reached FULL HEIGHT
Chaos protocol 3 has been initiated.

When ashes are not wet, the embers may reignite. Initating arson sequence in 3, 2, 1....
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