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The End and the Beginning
ultra kills ratchet and leaves

soul has one lynch immunity

legit no way town was winning this

the players who saw it will leave / get replaced

its whatever. looks like everyone made their minds. nobody can still convince me why do we not let the game continue when literally none but 2 saw it and both r indies / will leave game / get replaced
Ultra probably isn't killing me lol.
Sounds like something I’d like lol.
I have been playing tabletop games for years, DND included.
I'm not the most familiar with DnD
But I think it would be fun to be a part of this if you would have me.
Great, i will be PMing you guys later on, maybe after tomorrow when i'm done with an exam, to get a Discord server up so we can talk faster there

It will be cool that way, to have feedback from both newbies and experienced players on the system

i'm sorry if anyone asks to join after these 3, but it's enough already

like i said, it will be just testing the system at first and refining it

maybe in a few months we can start running the games and maybe even have a section lol
@Dr_Professor83 it was actually my fault that @Lord Melkor died but I didn't feel like owning up to that was gonna help me. I forgot that I had a passive that makes me always hit my mark. being over eager, I sent in my action to heal sallucion in an attempt to kill Melkor. my ability would have been permanently destroyed probably if not for one of my passives. But um yeah. I figured me botching the heal would just make you angrier and more set on killing me and reveal too much to scum. oh the doc that never misses? yeah she's gotta go! didn't heal pero because I planned to iso them to see if it was worth it and time ran out. good thing imo because then I was poisoned and needed two heals to save myself.


Well it certainly helped him bc it made me willing to share flavors with him to help him find his targets.
he wonders why scum don’t like him as indie and why he gets targeted but like I’ve told him he’s his own worse enemy he outed both pein and sks flavor for literal zero reasoning behind it. Literally said pein is frieza and sk is moriarity. I honestly thought I was subbing into a dead position and team with dod just about outed d1 pein completely outed and sk outed but able to slide by.
[Active - Oh my rubber Nen] If you are about to die, this can be activated to save your life and return you back with a new and different self. Only activable Day 4 or later.(1 shot), cannot be refilled.

Also what the hell is this

Did you change Ratchet's ability on the fly
Town Part 1:

Town part 1:

''I don't care what anybody thinks.''

You are Tucker Carlson!
[Passive - CIA Reject] Having failed in his dream to join the CIA, Tucker Carlson still remained a pursuer of truth and uncovering it at all cost. Thus he cannot be silenced or removed from the game. His voice will be heard!

[Passive - Fact Checker] Tucker Carlson is all about fact checking people and proving them wrong, each begining of day he may make a post in the thread calling out the players he deems to be wrong about whatever it is he preceives to be wrong. Can be used start of D1.

[Passive - Conservative values] Tucker Carlson does not appreciate mob mentality nor does he enjoy groupings. His vote will count double against any participant in a wagon of 10+ voters. Additionally Carlson will learn of the overal census of the game at any given time.

[Active - They took our jobs!] Whenever a fellow american's voice is not heard Tucker Carslon is here to talk some sense into them, you may target a player who did not participate in the same wagon as you and roleblock them for a phase.

[Active - Authoritarian pride] Tucker Carslon is always there when it comes to destroying filthy liberals so are you with him or against him? Each night he may target any player that voted an innocent person and learn their alignment.

[Active- Tucker Carlson Tonight] Sick and tired of the ongoing climate in the game, Carlson may activate this ability to say a piece of his mind to everyone. During his long rant, players will be able to talk and gain access to a night lynch. This cannot be tampered with. Only activable day 2 or later ( 1 shot). Cannot be refilled.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.

"Our duty, as soldiers, is to protect humanity... whatever the cost."

You are the Master Chief!

[Passive - Spartan] As the greatest product of the SPARTAN program and a veteran soldier the Chief's vote counts for 2. He is bulletproof and will tank the first super kill thrown at him in the game.
---Soldier's instinct--- The Chief's vote will count for 0 if he is voting on the same wagon as a major enemy.

[Passive - Master Strategist] Master Chief's strategic ability is unmatched, he knows when to lay low and when to strike. He is immune to investigation and control abilities.
---Alien enemy number 1--- Many an enemy would want his head on a pike, the must procceed under the cover of anonimity. He cannot claim his role or actions.

[Passive - Corneal Implants] Increases perception and grants increased night vision. Allows the chief to spot targets using Active Camouflage. Granting him roleblock immunity as well as the ability to learn the role name of the first person that targets him with a harmful each cycle.

[Passive - Death of a Legend] If the Master Chief dies at night, the whole game will observe a moment of silence. All kills on every town player that interacted with the chief so far will fail that night.

[Active - Charge] Master Chief lunges forward, tackling enemies and obliterating walls in his way. He can role block a target each phase.

[Active - Ground Pound] Master Chief jumps into the air and falls down on an enemy aiming for their weakspot, exposing their weakness. Target a player and destroy any defensive passive they might have for a cycle.(2 shot)

[Active - Regenerator] The Chief may deploy this to refill a x shot ability on a given target. But he must first encourage the target in the thread.(2 shot)

[Active - Type 25 Plasma Rifle] The Master Chief may target a player with this high powered gun and challenge them to an RPS battle, if he win he will kill his target. If he loses the weapon will overheat and roleblock him for a cycle. Additionally, after half the town has died this will become a superkill.(3 shot).

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.
View attachment 11012

''A miracle will happen — we'll make it happen!''

You are Gunbuster!
[Passive - Buster Shield] Covers Gunbuster with its cloak, which is tough enough to reflect 20,000 plasma blasts simultaneously. In this case Gunbuster will roleblock the first person targetting him.
---Inertial canceler--- Additional if the first attack targetting him was a harmful one, he will destroy 1 shot from one of his attackers abilities.

[Passive - Spike Treads] Gunbuster will disable one active ability from any enemy he hits with a physical contact move.

[Active - Buster Home run] Gunbuster will use a base ball bat to his an energy ball at his opponent, concussing them. He may target a player and prevent them from using more than 1 ability that cycle.(3 shot)

[Active- Inazuma Kick] Gunbuster leaps into the air as lightning flashes from its body before coming down for an electrified drop kick. Disabling any offensive passive they might have for a phase.

[Active- Super Inazuma Kick] A much stronger version of the Inazuma Kick, which uses the spiked treads on Gunbuster's feet to add force and power to the blow. Gunbuster may use this on a player to permanently destroy any offensive passive they might have.(1 shot)

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.

''I couldn't fully believe in Master Julius, or in the future I had a duty to protect. My weakness brought on this fight.''

You are William Vangeance!

[Passive - World tree mage] The leader of the Crimson Dawn, William Vangeance specializes in using world tree magic to do his bidding. He mostly uses large scale attacks and healing abilities. Therefore he cannot be roleblocked and his healing actions will always find their mark.

[Passive - Nature affinity] Being in tune with nature allows William to heal from even the gravest wounds faster than the normal human would, therefore he will recover any lost ability a cycle later and the effect of rolecrushes is halved.

[Passive - Innocent smile] William is know for his gentle persona, therfore votes on him from town aligned players will count for 0.

[Active - Warding Ash] The user creates a giant ash tree and directs branches from it to wrap around and block spells. William may use this to protect a player from actions for a phase.
Except super kills and above.

[Active - Great Tree Mistilstein] The user creates a large tree that can capture any enemy. William may target a player and jail them for a phase, they will be super roleblocked and super protected.( 3 shot)

[Active - Magic Tree descent] William can use this world tree to allow him to tap into creation magic, he may create many objects through his connection with the tree. Allows the user to create one of the following:(2 shot) Take a cycle to create.
-Double action.
-Upgrade the target's next action.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.
View attachment 11010

''I am no thief. I merely borrow.''

You are Rubick the Grand Magus!

[Passive - Grand Magus] No spell is beyond his reach, Rubick is the master of anything arcane. He will be able to use the same ability twice per cycle.

[Passive - Arcane supremacy] Rubick not only is able to copy any spells in existence but the spell he uses are better versions of the original ones. Each time Rubick steals a new ability he will get an upgrade on his next action.

[Passive - Fade] Rubick's control over magic is so vast that he can even control his body down to the mollecular level, as such he is able to phase through objects if he so wishes. The first kill targetting Rubick each cycle will fail.

[Passive - Dormant Potential] Rubick's potential is limitless, he knows he need to bide his time before revealing himself. As such he must is forbidden from claiming.

[Active- Telekinesis] Rubick may activate this to redirect the first harmful action targetting him each phase.
---Telekinesis Land--- Rubick may power up the action he is redirecting(1 shot).

[Active- Spell steal] Rubick may target a player and copy the last ability they have used prior to him using the ability. The new ability he gets will last for a 3 phases before he needs to get a new one. Rubick may store up to two abilities at all time.

[Actite - Fade Bolt] Target a player and soften their harmful abilities by a stage. I.e: a super-kill will become a regular kill. Lasts a cycle(2 shot).

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.

"It's like a party in my mouth and everyone's throwing up."

You are Phillip J Fry!
[Passive - Special] Fry is a special man, he is immune to most things that affect your brain. He is therefore immune to control abilities and role crushes.

[Passive - high pain threshold ] Fry has an uncanny resistance to physical trauma, making him bulletproof.

[Active - Voice of an Angel] Fry is surprisingly extremely gifted when it comes to singing, so much so that his songs set up records. He may target a player and force them to target him with their next action. [1 Cycle Cooldown]

[Active - Friday Game Night] Fry enjoys his video game nights with his buddies, and the proper code of conduct is not to bother gamers when they are playing. He may choose 2 players and render them immune to all harmfull actions for a phase.
Can self target.

[Active- I'm my own Grandpa you know] Fry targets a player and start telling them his life story, the player is in such a hurry to leave that their accuracy and precision increases dramatically. Renders the targets actions unstopable for the night.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.
View attachment 11001


You are Samus Aran!

[Passive - Information Network] Samus's expeirence as a soldier has let know where to look when she needs information. Each day phase she will learn of the identiy of two player have been targetted by a kill the previous night.

[Passive - Absorb Bio Energy] Samus's DNA was infued with the ability to absorb energy, as such she will absorb the first negative action targetting her each cycle as a one shot.

[Passive -Close Quarters Exeperts] Samus trained in the arts of melee combat since she was 3 till she reached age 14, her nimbleness allows her to easily dodge most attacks. She is immune to roleblocks and rolecrushes.

[Passive - Fellow Suit Wearer] Samus Aran knows Master Chief is in the game and she will inherit one of his abilities if he dies.

[Active - Zero Suit] By removing her suit Samus becomes agile enough to mostly go undetected, therefore allowing her to not appear in writeups.
---Power Suit--- If she does not activate this ability however she will be immune to ability destruction.

[Active - Ice Beam] Samus may use this to target a player with a kill each cycle.
---Thermal Shock--- If the target is suffering from a burn this will become a super kill instead(1 shot).

[Active - Annihilator Beam] A deadly combination Light and Dark Beams, Samus fires a powerful shot at her target, super killing them. This cannot be used in conjunction with Ice Beam and require Zero suit to be activated. Cannot be refilled(1 shot).

[Active- Shock Coil] Target a player and disable their active abilities for 1 cycle. [1 -shot]

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.

''We are America, second to none, and we own the finish line. Don't forget it.''

You are Joe Biden!
[Passive - Senile Old Man] The current president of the united state is as old as it gets, but despite his age he keeps on trucking for the glory of america. His vote counts for 0, but he is roleblock immune since nobody bothers visiting him anymore.

[Passive - President of the united states] Joe may call upon himself the services of the secret police, they will arrest the first person that targets him with a harmful ability. Joe will then have a talk with them in a discord chat using a throw away account.
---Execute--- Joe may decide to execute the play that targetted him, however if they turn out to be innocent Joe will lose the President of the united states passive as he will be forced into exile for the murder of a fellow american.(1 shot) ( You can however keep jailing even if you run out of execute.)

[Active - Sniffing Hair] Uncle Joe has gotten real good at detecting who's been good or not based on the sent of their hair, each night he may visit a player and sniff their hair. Learning their alignment.

[Active - Veto] Activate this and Joe's vote will count for 3 during a night lynch.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
[Active - Oh my rubber Nen] If you are about to die, this can be activated to save your life and return you back with a new and different self. Only activable Day 4 or later.(1 shot), cannot be refilled.

Also what the hell is this

Did you change Ratchet's ability on the fly
maybe someone buffed it
idk man game is fuked

im actually out
Town Part 2 :

Town part 2:

''Keyboard noises''

You are a Keyboard!
[Passive - Machine] You, my man are a machine. You do not sleep, you do not eat and you cannot be stopped. Therefore you are immune to role crushes and tampering.

[Passive - Mechanical Keyboard] You are noise, but people like the feel of clicking your keys. Whenever someone targets you with a benefitial ability you will encourage them, buffing their next action.

[Active - Hashtag] You will start the game by asking everyone to write a funny hashtag, you may choose the winner and they will join you in a separate permanent chat.(1 shot)

[Active - Caps Lock] Target a player and force them to write in all caps for a phase, if they refuse you will learn of one of their abilities type.

[Active - CTL+Alt+Dlt] You may target a player and heal them from a status ailment.( bleed+burn+poison,rolecush,etc)

[Active - Alt+F4] Locked.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.
The Witch Duo!

View attachment 10945

“There’s only one difference between heroes and mad men. It’s whether they win or lose.”

You are Lambdadelta!

[Passive - Witch of Certainty] Lambdadelta is known far and wide for her dominion over fate, she can make things go her way. She is therefore immune to any type of manipulation or abilities that tamper with hers. Her actions will also always find their mark. She will also be revealed to be in the game alongside Frederica.

[Passive - Territory Lord] Lambdadelta holds full control over this game, and as such players within this game must obey her laws or suffer various consequences.
---Villainous tendencies--- Being a witch that often times revels in the suffering of humans for her own amusement Lambdadelta will scan guilty to investigations. This passive cannot be claimed.

[Passive - Witch Sisterhood] Lambdadelta's fondness for her fellow witch Frederica Bernkastel is well known, she loves her so much so that she has instructed me ( the host) to have them be in the same chat. The two share a very close bond, therefore they cannot harm each other with their actions. This passive cannot be claimed. ( The fact that you two are masons I mean.)

[Active - The red truth] Target a player and apply the red truth onto them, lie detecting them. If they lie they will be rolecrushed through immunities for a cycle.( 2 shot)

[Active - Blue Truth] May be used to deny the existence of something, in this case Lambda may use it to deny a write up even happened. Negating it.(1 shot).

[Active- Golden Truth] Lambda may use this ability to say her truth, making a declaration in the thread and imposing whatever she says as real. Under host supervision.( 1 shot) Cannot be refilled.

[Actite - Ultra Pressure Sphere] Day 3 or later, this can be used stop all kills from happening for a phase. (1 shot). Cannot be refilled.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.

View attachment 10947

“Everyone has a right to pursue a happy life. The difficult part is to be given that right.”

You are Frederica Bernkastel!
[Passive - Witch of Miracles] Frederica is the embodiment of Miracles, her magic makes it so she can make anything happen as long as its probability isn't 0. Her powers will always find a way, she is also immune to tampering and manipulation/ role copy. And is roleblock immune. Her presence in the game will be revealed at the start of D1.

[Passive - Territory Lord] Frederica holds full control over this game, and as such players within this game must obey her laws or suffer various consequences.
---Villainous tendencies--- Being a witch that often times revels in the suffering of humans for her own amusement Frederika will scan guilty to investigations. This passive cannot be claimed.

[Active- Mystery Wedges] Frederica assaults a targets mind with an unsolvable riddle that they need to answer immediately, in this case she will give a player a post restriction and if they fail it 5 times they will be targetted with a kill. (2 shot)

[Active- Scythe] Frederica may use this weapon to harvest miracles from fate, each time she uses it she gains access to the following abilities, of which only one can be used each phase.
-Redirect a person’s next action.
-Bus-drive two players.
-Commute himself and another player.
-Stop the next three incoming actions, learn their targets, and decide whether or not to let them pass. [2-Shot] Day only.

[Active- Cat Familiars] Frederica may summon an army of cat familiars to do her bidding, she may choose to have them watch or track a target of her choice. Cannot track or watch the same target in succession.

[Active- Leviathan] Day 4 or later, Frederica may target a player and remove them from the game for as long as she is alive.(1 shot) Cannot be refilled.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.


You are Chansey!
[Passive - Healer] Chansey will cure any person she targets from fatigue and render their actions unstopable.

[Passive - Fairy] Chansey's abilities allow her to use protective ability on others even if she is rolecrushed.

[Active - Cute charm] Target a player and charm them, vote silencing them for a cycle.
---Disarming voice--- Target a write up and reveal its ???, does not work on night write ups.(1 shot)

[Active - Hardboiled] Target a player and fully restore them from any destroyed ability.

[Active- Natural gift] If she is about to die Chansey may activate this ability to transfer her active hardboiled ability to a player of her choice.

[Active - Wish] Chansey may reuse her disaming voice once more.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.
View attachment 10961

“it is the power to overwhelm — the color of the supreme king”

You are Conqueror's Haki!
[Passive- Haoshoku Haki] The Haki of conquerors! You represent the very meaning of kingly ambitions,nothing can stand in your path and nothing will keep you from doing whatever you want. You are immune to roleblocks and rolecrushes, they can't keep your spirit down!
---Do you have what it takes to be king?--- Conqueror's Haki only awaken in those that are worthy enough of it, if you target a player who is a main character of their story your action will be upgraded.

[Passive- Weak willed] If Conqueror's Haki targets a player who is not in the top 10 posters, and has not been participating in main wagon lynches they will make them faint. Disabling their defenses for a phase.
---Imposing persona--- You're all about showing and imposting your strong will upon others, you will therefore always engage in arguments with people who disagree with you until they back down. Show them who's king! If you don't you will lose the Weak Willed passive.

[Active - CoC Stare] You may stare deeply into the soul of any fool you choose and dicern if they are a main protagonist or not.

[Active - Advanced CoC] Your CoC has advanced to the next level, allowing you to target a player and do the following each cycle:
- Upgrade their next action.
- Refill an X shot ability.

[Active - CoC shield] Target a player a protect them from any harmful action for a cycle.

[Active - CoC is for fodder control] You may use this ability to haki blast the last 5 posters in the list, roleblocking them through immunities for a cycle.(1 shot) Non refillable.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.

View attachment 10948

“You are a lifeform incapable of defeating me!!”

You are King The Wildfire!

[Passive - Lunarian Origin] The Lunarian were once hailed as gods by the people of the One Piece world, they were being who could survive in any harsh environment and come out on top. King is no exception. He is therefore immune to ability destruction( does not count for rolecrushes), control or tampering.
--- Secret identiy--- Few people know of Kings real origins, therefore any type of investigation will fail on him.

[Passive - Extreme pride] King is a very prideful individual, he feels extremely protective over his crew ( town) as them being safe under him is his source of pride. He is therefore super bullet proof for as long as 75% of town is still alive, afterwards he will downgrade to being bulletproof. After 50% of town is dead he will lose it all together.
---Blood of Lunaria--- Each time King kills or participates in the lynch of one of those that murdered one of his town allies he will gain a double action buff the following night.

[Passive - All Star] Handpicked by Kaido himself to be his top subbordinate, King's simple presence is awe inducing. He will have to always talk to others in the thread in a condescending tone, as if looking down on them.

[Passive - Mask Off] King's beauty is quite the sight, he will charm any female character that visits him rendering himself immune to their votes and dodge the first kill in the game targetting him that is done by a female character.
---Stoic Loner--- King will reject any neighbor chat or conversion attempts on him.

[Active - Modes] :
---Speed Mode--- During Speed mode King is so fast that he can barely be seen, he is therefore immune to roleblocked and redirects in that form and will be prioritized in writeups regardless of when the action is submitted. However activating this form disables his Extreme Pride passive for a cycle.(2 shot)
---Defensive Mode---
During Defensive mode King's defenses become impenetrable, he will raise his Lunarian Origin's defenses by 1 stage ( If super BP becomes Ultra BP, If BP becomes super, If nothing becomes BP) and will become role crush immune but he will lose his Lunarian Origin as well as his Mask off passive and it's subset for a cycle.(2 shot)

[Active - Andon] King conjures a fireball over his open palm, then forms a fist to execute a powerful, flame-clad punch. He may target a player and rolecrush them. If he targets the same player again he rolecrush them through immunities.

[Active - Karyudon] King sends this dragon flying against a single or multiple enemies in order to incinerate them. He may either use it on 3 enemies to destroy an ability from each of them for a cycle or target a single player and leaving them with a severe burn, killing them a cycle later if not healed. Bulletproof and above targets will prevent this from happening though.

[Active -Omori Karyudon] King creates a larger fire dragon with which he keeps attacking his opponent burning due to Karyudon, If the target attempts a hostile action (including a kill) against a town character, the flam dragon will jump in to take the attack instead. King will learn if this ability has blocked an attack. (3 shot)
---Tempura Udon---
King will target a player and challenge them to 3 RPS matches, the loser will be superkilled through immunities. Can only be used Day 3 or later. Non refillable.(1 shot)

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.
View attachment 11003

'' Eevee!''

You are Eevee!

[Passive - Adaptability] Eevee doesn't need the company of men, being a wild pokemon made him averse to contact with people. Thus he will reject any chat attempts and is immune to control abilities. However his actions always find their mark.

[Passive -Eevolutions] Eevee is able to evole into many different types of pokemon, its one of the most versatile Pokemon out there. Each cycle one of those eevolutions will be active with unique benefits.
---Umbreon---Render Eevee Bulletproof for a cycle
---Espeon--- Learn the identity of the players that visit Eevee that cycle
---Glaceon--- Attack anyone who tries to harm Eevee, roleblocking them

[Passive -Substitute] Eevee, sensing his death, will leave a substitute around so people remember him. Thus he cannot be janitored.

[Active - Odor Sleuth] Eevee may tharget a player and track them for a cycle.

[Active - Aurora Veil] Eevee may use his leafeon evolution to negate any harmful action for that phase.

[Active - Snore] Eevee may go to sleep and activate all of his Eevolution passives at once. Lasts a cycle (One shot)

[Active - Psychic] Eevee may evolve into Espeon and target a ??? to reveal it. Cannot be done at night nor on night write ups.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.

''Do you mind? I'm trying to enjoy the sunset.''

You are Lucifer Morningstar!

[Passive - Former Lord of Hell] Even after having left hell, Lucifer's past follows and his name remains synonymous with malice. You will scan guilty to investigation attempts on you.

[Passive - Immortal] Despite his fall as angel, Lucifer is hailed as the strongest angel under heaven. It is therefore natural for him to be super bullet proof.
---Mazikeen--- After his departure from hell, Lucifer was followed by consort and aide Mazikeen. She is his loyal servant and always ready to help. She will block the first harmful action targetting you each cycle ( with the exception of rolecrushes).

[Passive - Omniscience] Lucifer has knowledge of the universe's entire history. He also knows information about others that they don't even have knowledge of themselves, you will therefore get a list of all the submissions that made it into the game. This cannot be revealed in the thread.

[Passive - Invulnerability] Lucifer's body is as tough as steel, he is immune to all status effects ( be it burns, poisons,etc) with the exception of rolecrushes.

[Active - Flight] Lucifer may soar through the air to free himself from his enemies, rending him immune to roleblocks and redirects for a phase. (2 shots)

[Active- Chronokinesis] Lucifer can speed up time, activating this can speed up time requirements for certain abilities. (2 shot)
Lucifer may target a player and unlock a locked ability of theirs.(1 shot)

[Active - Disintegration] Lucifer may use this ability on a target to destroy 3 incoming abilities from them.(2 shot)

[Active - Thermal Blast] Target a player and burn them, if left untreated they will be regular killed a cycle later. If you target the same player with this ability they will be super killed instead.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.
View attachment 11013

''You're either with the Town core or against us''

You are the Town Core!

[Passive - Town together strong!] At the start of Day 1 you may send a message through the host in the thread announcing the creation of the town core and asking people to join it.
---Town Leader--- As leader of the town core, you will then decide who will be your T-pein in this case AkA your second in command and will also be able to interract with other town core members in different ways.

[Passive - We live in a society] As long as town outnumbers mafia you cannot be struck down and are immune to all negative actions except for rolecrushes.

[Active- T-pein] You may activate this to use T-pein on a target, Doubling the amount of votes done of them by you and your second in command.(1 shot)
---Who we voting?---
You may activate this to redirect a vote from one of your core members to a target of your choosing.(1 shot)

[Active - We are 2 for 2!] After succesfully lynching two guilty players, you may activate this to permanently increase your vote power by 1.
---Give me your reads--- You may target your T-pein and ask him for reads, you may choose a player from their scum list and have your T-pein become immune to their action for a cycle.

[Active - We shud talk, T-pein] You may send a message to your T-pein once every cycle.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.

"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once."

You are Albert Einstein!

[Passive - Genius Scientist] Albert Einstein is one of humanity's greatest geniuses, his intellect is so high that he can dicern the alignment of a janitored player the phase following their death.

[Passive - Theory of relativity] The basic idea of thistheory is that instead of being an invisible force that attracts objects to one another, gravity is a curving or warping of space. The more massive an object, the more it warps the space around it. In this case, the more votes Einstein has on him, the more things he can do.

[Active - Genius Engineering] Einstein puts his mind to work and can create a multitude of objects provided he gives himself enough time and has enough votes: He may only craft one and will need a cycle to finish making the ability.
-Bullet proof vest. 4 votes.
Burn proof vest. 3 votes.
Hazmat suit ( anti poison). 3 votes.
Bunker, choose 2 players and commute them for a phase. 8 votes.
Photon hypergate. Bus drive 3 players, player C will get affected by actions targetting player B and so on. 10 votes.
The ultimate lie detector. Lie detect any player through immunities. 15 votes.

[Active - Trickster] Einstein may activate this ability to add 3 votes on him for a phase.

[Activate- Magnetic Force] Activate this ability to protect the first player that voted against you against the first kill targetting him that phase.(1 shot)

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.
View attachment 10983
''To every living being, and every living soul. Now cometh the age of the stars. ...''

You are Lunar Princess Ranni!

[Passive - Demigod] Sister to the other elden lords, Rannis possesses immense toughness. She is bulletproof.

[Passive - Elden Lord] Being an Elden lord grants Rannis great influence over her peers, her vote counts for 2.

[Active- Sorcery]
Ranni is proficient at calling the powers of the arcane to help her as such she may use one of these abilities per cycle. Cannot use the same ability in a row.
-Target a player and restores any destroyed abilities.
-Target a player and delay their action for a cycle.
-Target a player and make their next X shot ability free of charge.

[Active - Illusion] Ranni may create an illusion of someone, making it so anything that targets that player targets the illusion instead. Lasts a phase.

[Active - Traitorous Witch] Ranni may use this ability to target a player with a role crush that lasts a cycle.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.
@Dr_Professor83 it was actually my fault that @Lord Melkor died but I didn't feel like owning up to that was gonna help me. I forgot that I had a passive that makes me always hit my mark. being over eager, I sent in my action to heal sallucion in an attempt to kill Melkor. my ability would have been permanently destroyed probably if not for one of my passives. But um yeah. I figured me botching the heal would just make you angrier and more set on killing me and reveal too much to scum. oh the doc that never misses? yeah she's gotta go! didn't heal pero because I planned to iso them to see if it was worth it and time ran out. good thing imo because then I was poisoned and needed two heals to save myself.
I’d have actually accepted that sooner lol.

Anyway, sorry for almost lynching you this last phase but it made me come away thinking you were *probably* town and it pushed you down my POE.
[Active - Oh my rubber Nen] If you are about to die, this can be activated to save your life and return you back with a new and different self. Only activable Day 4 or later.(1 shot), cannot be refilled.

Also what the hell is this

Did you change Ratchet's ability on the fly
Oh, this is pre revised version.
From his role PM, sorry Lads been posting from a host PM where I made all the roles:

"My greatest pleasure comes when such people crumple to their knees and I look down upon their disbelieving faces as their plans fail.♥"

You are Hisoka!

[Passive - Master of Deceit] Notorious for his cunning, deceitful and cruel way of treating others. Hisoka is a tough fella to grasp, one minute he is fighting at your side and the next he is trying to kill you. One can never be sure what goes on in his mind. He is therefore immune to investigation attempts and lie detects.

[Passive - Magician] Are those petty tricks or real magic? Hard to tell, what is obvious though is Hisoka's affinity with magic tricks. As such he may have a flower clone of himself out at all times, said close will act like a normal player in that they will absorb all harmful actions directed at you, it will die to kills but Hisoka will know the role name of the character that killed it. Afterwards the clone will take a cycle to regenerate. Does not stop roleblocks.

[Passive - Nen] Hisoka is a very proficient nen user, so much so that he is able to fool even nen masters. Each phase cycle Hisoka may perform an ability that won't appear in Write Ups.
---Master Transmutter-- Transmutters are able to change the property of their aura, Hisoka may use this to quickly rebuilt his clone. Skiping the waiting process.(1 shot). Cannot be refilled.

[Passive - Battle addict] Hisoka only fights the strong, he has no interest in the weak. He thrives upon finding rare opponents with the potential to become a good fight and grooming them until he deems them worthy of plucking. Starting day 2, he will be informed of the role of the person with the highest number of kills at that point in time. He will then deem them worthy of being hunted by him in the game thread. Each time he kills a worthy prey Hisoka gains another clone, each clone will take a kill but 2 are required for a superkill and Ultra kills bypass the Magician defences.

[Active- Bungee Gum] Hisoka uses the sticky properties as well as the elasticity of gum to make this ability, he can target a player with it and do the following.
--- Learn of one of their abilities used this cycle
- Redirect them towards a target of his choice.
- Force them to target him.
- Rolecrush them for a phase.

[Active- Bungee Wall] Hisoka may create an elastic wall that will bounce back anything targetting him back to its user.( 3 shot)

[Activate - Texture surprise] Each cycle Hisoka may create a fake write up and post it in the thread, he may learn the role names of up to 2 players that quote it.(2 shot)

[Active- Zetsu] Hisoka may activate this ability to meditate for a phase and fully refill his abilities but he will be unable to use any ability while this is active, additionally he will lose his magician passive for the duration.(1 shot).
--- Card Strike---
Hisoka may activate this ability to deliver a deadly strike upon an enemy, regular killing them.
---Post Mortem Nen---If Hisoka targets one his preys he will super kill them instead.

[Active - Oh my rubber Nen] If you are about to die, this can be activated to save your life and return you back with a new and different self. Only activable Day 4 or later.(1 shot), cannot be refilled.
---Rubber Awakening--- In the event that you are lynched Day 3 or prior this will activate, bringing you back to life but disabling your actives for a phase since you need to recuperate.

Wincon: Complete 3 successful hunts.
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