What the best thing in the chap ?

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The next major fight is going to be Yamato vs. Greenbull, since she is currently the 2nd most powerful in the crew and one of the few in fighting condition. She will at the very least hold Greenbull to a stalemate while the others regroup or flee.
Sabo was scratched up and huffing against a Fujitora that was literally trying to waste time😂

And Sabo at that time had just gotten the Mera, knew advanced armament and was the N2 of the Revos (and that's what we know). Can't even imagine how strong Fuji is when he is unrestricted and goes all out.
Man, anybody who ever badmouthed Fujitora as "below King and Queen" or "Morley level" is setting themselves up for a titanic L. :rolaugh:

His signature attack is literally an interstellar-level feat. He did country-level attacks with little to no effort, but I'm supposed to believe the most useless Yonko Commander not named Smoothie (aka Queen) can beat him? :luffylaugh:

He specifically mentioned that he was taking it easy in Dressrosa and then Ryo reminded him that Marie Geoise is not supposed to be destroyed, but his haters count this as an anti-feat? :kailaugh:

I swear, at this point I want Lolda just to, for once, let him run amok before the Final War just to shut them up for good. :mihanha:


I will never forgive Oda
Yeah because his durability becomes trash the moment he uses the flames to increase his speed :doffytroll: a small trick
??? He took 2 ACOC hits from Zoro without fire on lmfao, he also took a Rooftop Zoro Ultra tiger hunt to the dome in hybrid and it didn't leave a mark.

His durability is good without it and his endurance is above average, and again IDK how you can call the ability to always have durability >> Kaido's as a trick
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