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Chapter 1053 " Flower festival"
- Robin is reading a Poneglyph with Raizou
- Raizou explains the conection with Zou's poneglyph (Oden told him)
- Strawhats are celebrating with Yamato and Momo in the Castle.
- Greenbull is also eating with them, but no one notices him ( he is dressing like a samurai)
- Queen is talking with King about Kaido. King is thinking about Joyboy
- Buggy is revealed to be an emperor of the seas

Real? or Fake? @Lance_Dragonite


Lance just said "be patient Zoro". Clearly he means Zoro is going to be a patient of some sort in 1053. He didn't come out of meeting the grim reaper unscathed after all. Zoro on the brink of death confirmed by Lance someone post that to reddit. Zoro fans in shambles.
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