how so?....
she was completely conscious until she fell into bombs
you want to give kidd and law an equal bounty to luffy,
how about you do a better job giving them feats that are totally deserving of that number .
you have luffy take on the strongest pirate mostly in a 1v1
you essentially retool his fruit to make it one of the most broken in the series
have the wg plot to eliminate him before he awakens it . he awakens the fruit , take down kaido, they acknowledge joyboy has returned and you attach a similar government threat (bounty) to all three?
turn around and in turn make buggy an emperor so then the accomplishments of those two now feels weird. Too many characters I suppose so their crews did fuckall most of the raid. I guess the wg ships after the emperors fell just casually waited outside for 7 days doing absolutely nothing giving enough time for the alliance to recover. Not sure why bm pirates came anyway.
could honestly go on .
oda isnt trying to make sense
he is having a lot of fun with his story