What the best thing in the chap ?

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You know, I would put up an argument but seeing your sig makes me think it is pointless to even try :kobeha:
You have no argument. Red pussy was drenched in sweat in front of Shanks.
The thread for us Shanks fans is...if Luffy's not gonna fight Shanks as a decisive fight, just like how Luffy didnt fight BM decisively. If that's really the case, it's gonna make me doubt Shanks' strength just like how Oda handle BM's strength :lusalty:
Shanks is Oda's golden boy. He will never treat him with disrespect. He's who Luffy want to most be like. We know this from chapter 1.
Lmao Red Snitch would die from Green BULL before even getting to Akainu. Bum ass weakling with no black blade:kobeha::kobeha::kobeha::kobeha:
Greenbull would lose to Beckmann, much less Shanks. Sit down clown.
Just mentioning that because people want to give Law and Kidd less credit than luffy but are forgetting that they basically beat a fresh Big Mom while Kaido took on an entire army by himself before facing luffy. He also took the majority of the damage when he fought the rooftop 5 while Big Mom was largely standing by. He was far from fresh.
BM is a slow as a slug and even though she CoC haki she didn't use it that much, against Kid and Law not even once on panel. don't compare her with Kaido she is really far behind. at least when you look at the fights.
Just mentioning that because people want to give Law and Kidd less credit than luffy but are forgetting that they basically beat a fresh Big Mom while Kaido took on an entire army by himself before facing luffy. He also took the majority of the damage when he fought the rooftop 5 while Big Mom was largely standing by. He was far from fresh.
He does deserve more credit
how much did the scabbards and the other sn's contribute to kaido's defeat , certainly not half .
Now taking into account his fleet , the strength of his subordinates along with the awakening of his fruit which the wg tried to avoid
its stupid to have all three at the same number.

I doubt the bounties are as detailed as you think taking in the contributions of every scabbards
every mink
every sn that managed to hurt kaido.
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