What the best thing in the chap ?

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Gol D. Roger

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It's kinda wild. We don't even see the fight, just the outcome and people are acting like Katakuri would throw hands with an Admiral as equals or something. We'd be cutting to Katakuri and Smoothie in the same situation if this was WCI.
It's been several days and the Charlotte siblings couldn't even come out of the ER and help their siblings fight the Vinsmokes, and these guys are dreaming about how Katakuri fighting GB better than King and Queen.:hapnoel:
Given the angle and closeness it's really impossble any other person than Kaido made Luffys bounty picture. Ofc Kaido didn't, but apparently someone had a camera 500 years ahead of its time and shot this photo. Probably from a satellite. XD C'mon Oda! There was no one else up there except Kaido. lol.
Guys Mr. Go is alive.

He the one who took Luffy's new bounty pic.


Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
The duality of man

Okay so I’ve been mentioned literally 13 times, time to peep these spoilers once more:

Oh my Fucking god, I love it, I absolutely love it

An Admiral literally solo’ing an entire Yonko crew while also maintaining the facade that the Marines can’t solo a Yonko crew is sure to send these confused Yankers into an eternal mental loop of confusion. Meanwhile, this reiterates the exact points I’ve been making for years, that the Government can easily eliminate the Yonko but actively chooses not to for a variety of complex reasons

See this is what Wano has been missing, actual fucking nuance, and this is what the Admirals always brought to the OP manga. This is the type of writing that has so thoroughly confused babies for a decade, but made so explicit that now these very same babies can no longer deny that the Government is deliberately allowing the Yonko to exist and deliberately allowing the OP world to maintain the power structure that it is, because said power balance actively benefits them by allowing them to maintain power.

God damn. I’m sure Yankers will still be confused, but for me this shit is just according to keikaku (translator note: keikaku means plan)

Anyway, best chapter in the past 4 years of One Piece without question.

EDIT: oh and also, Admiral = Commander Fucking obliterated right now.
@ShishioIsBack @nik87 @HA001 @Echizen_Jo_Ndule @Red Admiral @comrade @Seraphoenix @Erkan12

Remember what I was saying about AdCoC being purely a hype powerup and nothing more? Here is Green Bull with casual finger tendrils stabbing King no diff, and remember King’s durability ~ Kaido’s.

I was at least expecting the Admirals to have to use their serious powers to be able to hurt King or Kaido, even I didn’t think that Green Bull could just casually override King’s durability off-panel lol. Aramiki also has a black blade but didn’t even touch it to defeat this entire Yonko crew lol.

“Swordsmanship is the most powerful and lethal ability” lol, Green Bull’s fingers ~ top tier swordsmanship (Zoro/Shanks) <<<<<< Green Bull actually fighting seriously.

This should re-define Admiral level power for you guys. Kaido was blissfully ignorant when he did not include the Admirals in his “top 5” (if that even was his top 5 lol), any Admiral would bully Oden like a school-child. I doubt Shanks will show feats on this caliber either, unless Shanks also solo’s a whole damn Yonko crew casually (not happening since Shanks ~ Beckman)
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