What the best thing in the chap ?

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At what point do you think the strongest YC1 (King) could get his ass beat in a 2v1 with another YC1 (Marco)? Maybe because he really isn't the strongest YC1. :goatasure:

No CoC
No Awakening
DF durability gimmick
No advanced haki

If law could get a power jump after his doflamingo fight without any reasoning, so can kid. I care about potrayal and kid's potrayal is top notch. You dispute kid will have advanced coc in the future ?
Everyone can get a power jump. And I’m quite honest, I don’t care about portrayal. A few examples why
Luffy defeats Doffy, than Cracker and Kata. Comes to wano, trains gets stronger and than fights Ulti and struggles against her to the point where he wanted to use G4
King fought Marco, someone who fought kizaru quite evenly. Someone who toyed with Zoro before he activated his AdCoC and yet he suddenly gets begged by Greenbull
Portrayal in manga changes depending on the situation and what they want to “portray”
Kidd is someone who got beating by Kaido easily and someone who managed to land attacks on Big mom only when Law has weakened her first. We have never seen him use any kind of haki and his attacks are not that effective against Luffy. Even his awakening can’t do much on Luffy, as Luffy is rubber and won’t get crushed. His bones will not break like big moms. Luffy can use FS + AdCoC in G4 snakeman and one shot Kidd everytime. Nothing Lidd can do about it. These logically speaking what would happen if Luffy was a logical fighter and wouldn’t just mess around.

If you take their current abilities into consideration(no speculations) Luffy has more AP, higher speed, more stamina, and more versatility than Kidd and Law. He outclassed them by far.
Zoro was fully recovered the moment Ryokugyu took on King and Queen. Now Zoro took Hakai times two, since the medicine doubles the previously received damage, while King has ancient Zoan recovery.

If King wasn't fully recovered while Zoro was, it means that either Zoro's endurance and recovery rate is magnitudes above King and Queen, or that Zoro's attack power is beyond Hakai times two.

Which one do you choose?

Checkmate. :crazwhat:
Zoro was fully recovered the moment Ryokugyu took on King and Queen. Now Zoro took Hakai times two, since the medicine doubles the previously received damage, while King has ancient Zoan recovery.

If King wasn't fully recovered while Zoro was, it means that either Zoro's endurance and recovery rate is magnitudes above King and Queen, or that Zoro's attack power is beyond Hakai times two.

Which one do you choose?

King endurance and stamina always sucked

People don't wanna accept it
Wrecked through nothing, never saw Greenbull piercing Flame On King only Flame Off version. And one stab is all that's needed given it sucks nutrients straight out.

One Piece is a manga where Biscuits are strong enough to block G3 and here we are surprised that a Top Tier's ability (Vines) are that strong. Totally not agenda driven.
Imagine Oda nerfing a Strawhat just for a villain to look good without nerfing that villain too and still the Villain lost in 4 moves in 12 min lol

Plants wrecked King
He can't even break free...but they told me he can break free if caught by Kid or Katakuri's mochi (which is sticky, even Boundman couldn't pull its arm away, snakeman was stuck)

Explain to me how normal plant vines (nor even a special tree vines from GB) are enougj to restrain and wreck King

King the background for a reason
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