A break for Night Lynch Deciders after N1?

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:D mate no need to be aggressive mate, I already answered mate :D
You know lad, this conversation would of been much shorter if you just answered my simple post and provided me a simple nice, clean, updated, fresh, new, smoking sexy style reads about your thoughts about the game. By providing a simple nice and clean town reads that are not pot or cal, along with your scum reads.

I know doing such thing is difficult for you. But I need you to try harder gramm. You can do it I believe in you.


The End and the Beginning
It didn't feel to me you were trying to get a read on him, more like you were emotional about being called emotional? That's how it did seem
There is nothing I can say to this. I said I'm not even slightly emotional, I'd like to be taken at my word but it doesn't really matter, I can at least see your thought process here.
I didn't understand the ultra part, u think he scum bc he tried to shift the attention from whom?
No, I'm saying Ultra saw me take a position he felt he could attack, but was overeager, and didn't quite check his facts. When it was then established that the premise he was working from was incorrect, he attempted to change the argument he was making to save face, rather than conceding he was mistaken. Why does this have me think he's scum? Well scum hate to be in a situation where they're established to be, arguing under a false premise, and by default will attempt to use fallacy to mask this where they can.
And for the last part, I am not really sure, I need to read the exchange again but I would still say u don't ping me as town here
That's fine, but I think you would agree that this has been more productive than just having me at null. I'm not concerned with what your answer is per se, just that you have an answer to give.
I’m just asking because it will influence how I assess your ability to read

:D mate
just**** damn i guess my english is not my native language... god damn it !!!!
What were you guys arguing about?

Speaking of English i have an embarrassing confession to make

I have hard time understanding what yall say when using uncommon words
especially Ratchet senior 😭🤣😔


The End and the Beginning
No need to defend me ratchet chan, I can handle myself such fine. ;D

I noted down this unwarranted defense from you mate. You ain't gonna pocket me at all.
I wasn't defending you so much as I was questioning Gram on the line of attack he was operating. Which I guess is a form of defence, but that's of no concern to me. Your paranoia amuses me greatly.


I like grams town read on cal im pretty sure cal is town this game but what has PG done to deserve it?
Hes afk just like every scum game of his literally nothing changed.
meanwhile our boy gramm is still unable to provide us a simple town read.

I guess it will be easier to get the birds to sing me good night song than getting anything out of him.
He town locked the goblin so there you go.
anything other than PG and cal. Dude said he provided town reads making it seem like he gave us a nice list of reads on people. But i want to see what is his reads are on the game on anyone other than cal,pg and flower as sus.

Like damn, I would be okay with him scum locking me at this point, just give me anything.
Checking in

Checking out
A greeting.
Gonna casually add PG to my town reads, where he will remain for the rest of the game in all likelihood
No reasons for his read given.
I don’t imagine it to be multiball - this game was primed to be 22 players not that long ago, would be a pretty dramatic change in setup at the 11th hour
aye, but it’d require significant surgery on the existing scum team to just add another

I don’t see it
I mean, I doubt it, and I’d rather work to the assumption it isn’t until there’s reason to think otherwise
An asymmetric setup feels a lot more plausible yeah

anyway it’s largely moot at this point
Setup talk.
mind if I ask why?
Question which leads to nowhere.
looks different to last game, bodes well
Just thoughts on Cal.
I like the thought process, I’ll help

vote Pero
Buddying Fuji.
No more fluff now pls and thx
Random anti fluff post.
Just question marks.
thoughts on your wagon?
Again a question which he failed to take anywhere.
damn hime got stuck in 1956, unlucky girl

also … what even is this post xD
Weird comments.
Ekko why did you specifically want my read on cal?

Why do you not care that I implied he’s town, but you thought he’s doing scummy stuff, but then thought he was town too?

what scummy stuff were you talking about?
Again, just asking things without further inquiry.
this seems about as transparent a case of checking temperature as it gets

Vote Flower
Vote with a weak reasoning.
so you agree she’s posting scummily?
Asking for other people‘s agreement, comes across as sheepy.
ill just interject here - tone is actually a pretty good way of getting him, but he literally just got got for it in the last game

Not in a vacuum no, but combined with her other posts, I think it’s a good lead.

also I’ll point out she wasn’t relying on him for a read here, she already had the read, she confirmed it next post
Again just Cal.
Ugh I hate this forum sometimes

the bit above that reply was re:cal
read 2 posts ago, I was making a point about cal, saw I’d been quoted and replied to that, thought I’d removed the bit about cal but apparently I hadn’t so there’s just some random unrelated text

was basically saying tone is good to read him, but I just identified him day 1 for it previous game so it’s not out of the realm of possibility he’d make an adjustment. It’s moot however cause I think he’s town
Cal again.


What Gram did in a nutshell was just asking for other people‘s approval regarding his votes and telling people Cal was Town. The following posts were his convo with SK. So yes, he factually didn‘t provide any clear reads and was just sheeping.
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