First one was for 7 days and was only drinking tree sap mixed with water, bio lemon to cut the sweetness of the tree sap and a little bit of black pepper to help the body detox. And got the necessary nutrients from the tree sap.

Second one was for 15 days where I was only drinking water.
Wow where do you find tree sap?? And how does it taste?

Fasting feels so good but it requires a lot of mental strength. These days I'm to stressed out for this but when I was younger I did it from time to time. My longest was a month I think 😅

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
Wow where do you find tree sap?? And how does it taste?

Fasting feels so good but it requires a lot of mental strength. These days I'm to stressed out for this but when I was younger I did it from time to time. My longest was a month I think 😅
I found it in a Bio shop where they sold it purposedly for fasting. It's really sweet, kinda hard to drink because of the sweetness and unique taste. But with lemon it's actually not bad and easy to drink.

Aye fasting is good. After 2-3 days it gets easier and you don't feel the need to eat as much. Being stressed out doesn't help to control the need to eat as you said. Sometimes it was hard to control it when I was fasting :catsweat:
Tbf the periods where I felt the best was when I was fasting.

Was basically floating in the clouds with joy lol
"floating in the clouds with joy" describes it so well😊
It's a beautiful feeling.
Maybe it feels so good because when we don't eat we come closer to death. And death is beautiful.

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
"floating in the clouds with joy" describes it so well😊
It's a beautiful feeling.
Maybe it feels so good because when we don't eat we come closer to death. And death is beautiful.
When we are fasting the body doesn't spend energy digesting the food, as such it starts using that energy to heal itself. It starts generating stem cells which are the cells that can transform themselves into any kind cells, commonly seen in pregnancy when the baby is being formed. Then it uses those cells to replace old cells that aren't working properly. There were some experiments where people after fasting had some of their systems regenerated like the dygestive system.

Spiritually speaking it cleanses your mental body, your emotional body and spiritual body, where you get closer to self. You get more tuned with it.

Hence in Buddhism they go for longer periods of fasting to cleanse yada yada all that spiritual jazz.

Some doctors do fasting from time to time but only for the physical advantages of it. It's like a reset to the body.

There were also some cases where fasting cured cancer, don't remember if it was terminal or not. A doctor in the 50's in the US had case studies of that.
When we are fasting the body doesn't spend energy digesting the food, as such it starts using that energy to heal itself. It starts generating stem cells which are the cells that can transform themselves into any kind cells, commonly seen in pregnancy when the baby is being formed. Then it uses those cells to replace old cells that aren't working properly. There were some experiments where people after fasting had some of their systems regenerated like the dygestive system.

Spiritually speaking it cleanses your mental body, your emotional body and spiritual body, where you get closer to self. You get more tuned with it.

Hence in Buddhism they go for longer periods of fasting to cleanse yada yada all that spiritual jazz.

Some doctors do fasting from time to time but only for the physical advantages of it. It's like a reset to the body.

There were also some cases where fasting cured cancer, don't remember if it was terminal or not. A doctor in the 50's in the US had case studies of that.
I would fast from time to time when I was younger because of just how good it makes me feel. Every adult around me: "cHilD, YoU HavE eAT!! dO YoU hAvE aN EAtiNg diSorDeR?!??!:seriously: