I fell for it as well at first.. if you go back to prior Zkk threads i vouched for it with a chance of 60%
but as i dug deeper i realized i don't even need to reread wano to know how much of a stretch and fantastical it is
it did gain huge clout, shows you how people don't (I'm not an exception) tend to love perspectives that fits their comprehension or how conveniently things fit on the surface level disregarding important components and buildup of the story.
Then when you go down the rabbit hole scrutinizing it.. you realize that the theory has only one firm premise (Ryuma legend) and the rest of it is a conglomerate of subjective interpretations , again on the surface level, even tho technically these components might contradict fundamentally..
for instance the theory poses this as an evident fact
Zoro's animal is supposed to be tiger
in Chinese /Japanese mythology (correct me if I'm wrong) Eastern dragon (?) and White tiger are arch nemesis
hence zkk right?
There is fundamental difference between a basic tiger and a white tiger.. the mythology poses the dragon and WT as yin and yang counter parts.. since when was the story portraying complete contrasts between zoro and kaido alluding to yin and yang counterparts ? rather the have parallels that highlight their similarities like their DF's, their will's, arsenals..but why would you infer Zkk through similarities? the foundation doesn't do much for this argument
there are others too
but All in all, its alright if you believed ignorantly.. i did too and i take my L for that.. as for folks still hell bent on this.. i digress.