General & Others I was wrong about ZKK happening

Few things:

1) You don't need to be "redeemed" for being wrong unless you acted like a complete jackass.

2) It's not about admitting being wrong (at least for me), but waiting for the right time to say whether or not I was wrong. I know that I (and many others) explicitly stated multiple times that we wouldn't say it was over unless the Straw Hats literally left Wano with Kaido either being alive, or dead by some other means beyond any reasonable doubt. So I don't really care how unlikely it looks or by how much people feel like the odds decreased, those are the terms that I gave.

As of right now, Act 3 is still going (which was kind of a bait considering every One Piece news "provider" and their mother was saying that the Wano arc was ending in 1053) and the Straw Hats are still in Wano...and it doesn't look like they're leaving right now. Plus, the biggest "confirmation" we have that Kaido is dead is freaking Momonosuke going and telling everyone that he heard the "final drumbeat" [and I'm not even sure if that phrase is even in the raws) despite the fact that he did the same shit with Luffy and ended up being wrong.

So yeah. It's not about "having the balls" to admit being wrong. We just haven't reached the terms that I stated it would take to get my admission.
This thread is for every ex ZKK supporter to have his chance to take an universe size L and be redeemed afterwards.

I was so convinced of ZKK it made me blind, but I came back to reality and I will be busy eating this enormous L for ages.

What about you guys? Do you have the balls to admit that you were wrong too?
Lmao you’re fine. I think only a handful of haters even care about those who believed in ZKK (unless you were an ass about it)

CoC: Color of Clowns

Barking's not enough
No I'm more here to gloat and mock I hope that's okay

As someone who firmly believes in ZKK still happening (thought with Zombie Kaido, which will lessen the impact a lot to some, but not me), I WANT people to keep roasting this theory, to see the payoff when Zoro, Ryuma's son, makes Enma a Black Blade over the Flower Capital. Either way, it's going to be hilarious to see the salt from whichever "side" "loses". The Zoro fandom will never be the same post-Wano, one way or another.

Believing in something so much to the extent of being blind and bashing other opinions was never great in the 1st place. All you had to do is think it throu and actually analyze other opinions. ZKK is a possibility even Oda hinted at it in 2 occasions during Onigashima (Dragon Blaze vs Kaido) (How Zoro beat King's Magma Dragon). Dismissing ZKK as something in the realm of impossibility is also a BIG L for everyone who even dismissed the idea of Zoro going to the roof "You know your heart skipped a beat when Big Mom told Kaido to dodge".

Be neutral like me. Trust me you will see the story in a new way :goyea:.
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i will :holdthisl::holdthisl::holdthisl:PROUDLY once the strawhats are on a ship and leaving wano long as we are in wano i will support the theory and keep looking for points to add to it. Its honestly hilarious to see the anti zkk squad say day in and day out,week in and week out zkk is dead when each week we are still here in wano with the two yonkos being alive or dead left ambiguous
I fell for it as well at first.. if you go back to prior Zkk threads i vouched for it with a chance of 60%

but as i dug deeper i realized i don't even need to reread wano to know how much of a stretch and fantastical it is

it did gain huge clout, shows you how people don't (I'm not an exception) tend to love perspectives that fits their comprehension or how conveniently things fit on the surface level disregarding important components and buildup of the story.

Then when you go down the rabbit hole scrutinizing it.. you realize that the theory has only one firm premise (Ryuma legend) and the rest of it is a conglomerate of subjective interpretations , again on the surface level, even tho technically these components might contradict fundamentally..

for instance the theory poses this as an evident fact
Zoro's animal is supposed to be tiger

in Chinese /Japanese mythology (correct me if I'm wrong) Eastern dragon (?) and White tiger are arch nemesis

hence zkk right?

There is fundamental difference between a basic tiger and a white tiger.. the mythology poses the dragon and WT as yin and yang counter parts.. since when was the story portraying complete contrasts between zoro and kaido alluding to yin and yang counterparts ? rather the have parallels that highlight their similarities like their DF's, their will's, arsenals..but why would you infer Zkk through similarities? the foundation doesn't do much for this argument

there are others too
but All in all, its alright if you believed ignorantly.. i did too and i take my L for that.. as for folks still hell bent on this.. i digress.
There are a lot of things that line up and a lot of pollution dumped in once that stuff was believed. Like aside from the neat idea of Kaido being 944 and the fact that we were passing 1000 chapters since Mihawk, I think the numerology stuff out there was really too far of a stretch.

You could say a lot of the leading stuff is a red herring, like Zoro tied to dragons in color spreads since near the beginning of the series. But ultimately if you like this bare assed ending, if you're relieved to be right over getting something interesting, I'm not sure you've actually won anything.
I fell for it as well at first.. if you go back to prior Zkk threads i vouched for it with a chance of 60%

but as i dug deeper i realized i don't even need to reread wano to know how much of a stretch and fantastical it is

it did gain huge clout, shows you how people don't (I'm not an exception) tend to love perspectives that fits their comprehension or how conveniently things fit on the surface level disregarding important components and buildup of the story.

Then when you go down the rabbit hole scrutinizing it.. you realize that the theory has only one firm premise (Ryuma legend) and the rest of it is a conglomerate of subjective interpretations , again on the surface level, even tho technically these components might contradict fundamentally..

for instance the theory poses this as an evident fact
Zoro's animal is supposed to be tiger

in Chinese /Japanese mythology (correct me if I'm wrong) Eastern dragon (?) and White tiger are arch nemesis

hence zkk right?

There is fundamental difference between a basic tiger and a white tiger.. the mythology poses the dragon and WT as yin and yang counter parts.. since when was the story portraying complete contrasts between zoro and kaido alluding to yin and yang counterparts ? rather the have parallels that highlight their similarities like their DF's, their will's, arsenals..but why would you infer Zkk through similarities? the foundation doesn't do much for this argument

there are others too
but All in all, its alright if you believed ignorantly.. i did too and i take my L for that.. as for folks still hell bent on this.. i digress.
Its not all about similarities between Kaido and Zoro. Because that can go on further to even his last seconds vs Luffy. Kaido took out the other horn of Onigashima with a similar attack name to Zoro's Dragon Blaze. But that is it.. just a similarity. The seeds has been planted for ZKK for 3 main reasons "as i can see that is".
- Enma "Carrying Oden's will", Ryuma's Legend and finally Zoro's desire.

The Roof Piece played those 3 plot points but then Oda decided to make it vague the moment Zoro missed that attack on Kaido and it happened so early in their fight. The last decision that Oda chose that made me think hes "maybe" not going to make ZKK happen is when they started to question Zoro's fate and his looks that reminds them of Ushimaru and Ryuma. Then Oda decided to isolate Zoro from everyone's eyes and seal off anything related to this matter.

After Zoro has beaten King with the same attack but with 3 swords. Another possibility has occurred which could be telling us in a vague way again that Zoro is "capable" of but that is it. At that moment ZKK became a hidden plot again along with Zoro's linage which might be "oh this guy reminds us of this guy but we don't know" kinda thing.

From that point to Luffy's beating Kaido there was a low chance of anything happening. Because everything that has happened previously suggested to me that Zoro will play the role of the Shadow of Luffy that no one knows about his accomplishments against Kaido or King in the land of Wano. Except the WG who might know of King's defeat.