Break Week How Likely Is It For Shanks To Get Offscreened?

How like likely is it for Shanks to get offscreened from the beginning or mid-fight?

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Shanks enjoyers are feeling the heat right now, Gigabeard is on the move with no one to stop him, Shanks tried to snitch on him to the Gorosei but that won't do no good.
The fight is inevitable, how likely is it for Shanks to get offscreened, whether it's from the beginning or mid fighting.

It seems to me that Shanks is a very important character lore wise, but when it comes to fighting maybe Oda is just too embarassed/afraid to draw him.

You fools.
Shanks’ next move isn’t getting offscreened by BB, his next move is to cry to Dragon about BB, so he can complete the entire faction set :goyea:
For Shanks to have a 70-150 chapters arc :
  • Needs to be Luffy's opponent
  • Needs to be a villain
  • Needs to one of the Main villain of this final saga not Teach
All are unlikely to happen

Final Saga : Teach and Imu (WG) (Akainu/ GB or Vegapunk might be the 3rd main villain)
Yonko Saga (WCI & Wano Sagas per canon marks) : Kaido and BM (with Katakuri as 3rd villain)
DR Saga : Doffy ( with Ceasar & Vergo as villains of PH )
I think that chance is 0%.

Whether Shanks is gonna be killed by BB or Admirals and being humiliated, or Shanks is actually beating some Admirals or Mihawk first to protect someone, or even if Shanks is actually an evil guy who backstab BB and eat his corpse etc, it'll happen on-screen absolutely imo.
The rest of the series seems like it’s being centered around the dude, so I’m gonna say it’s a less than zero percent chance he dies offscreen, or really at all :kayneshrug:
Here's the thing: we will obviously get Shanks on screen doing something, we will probably get a Shanks centric arc where Luffy and Shanks finally meet, we even might get Luffy vs Shanks friendly duel just like Whitbeard and Roger had. But I think Shanks vs Blackbeard is gonna be just like Ace vs Blackbeard, exactly the same way for exactly the same reason–regardless of whether Shanks dies or simply gets defeated.
The chances of a complete off screen are 0%, but he's likely to get the Ace treatment that is one and half chapter of fight and the rest off screened.

He will not get a full fledged on screen fight if he ends up against Teach.
It never happened:
-Ace vs Teach was off screened at a certain point
-WB Vs Roger showed only the initial clash
-Oden Vs Kaido showed only a glimpse of the full fight and had literally two pages long span

Whenever two combatants fight and there is no Mugiwara around they only get nothing but crumbs screen time wise.

Of course Luffy vs Shanks would be a completely different matter, but I believe that he will fight against BB and get killed