General & Others Shiki was originally supposed to be a Navy Admiral

he was 100% Yonko tier anyway
Even in Rocks era, Oda prefers that Shiki not fight Garp and Roger..And this is not shown to us at least in the manga..Unless his opponent is Ray..Which is not an interesting opponent
As far as I remember, he was called the big boss of the pirates, and as far as I remember, he and Wb were Roger's rivals.
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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Did you know that Shiki the man who rivaled Roger was originally supposed to be a Navy Admiral?

Here are Oda's sketches from Magazine 9

It says "Golden Lion" on the left

Original Admiral trio was Shiki/Sengoku/Akainu

Yet another proof that Admirals=Yonko since that same character went on to be a Yonko caliber pirate :cheers:
Shiki was not Yonko caliber, he was Roger caliber which is far greater.
Nowhere on that page does it ever say Shiki was intended to be an Admiral, you're inferring that it's the case because he's shown alongside Sengoku and Akainu, and I find it funny that you didn't post the entire page since the other half shows Admiral Aokiji as a CP9 member, I guess using your logic, Ladmirals are as garbage as CP9 agents.

Even so, you're no better than Doffy wankers using scrapped ideas to push an agenda:suresure:
Except that it does lmfao

It's written that he's a Marine soldier and he's presented by an epithet "Golden Lion" just like "Buddha" and "Red Dog" rather than by his actual name

Shiki was supposed to be an Admiral originally so hold that L
As I said, nowhere on that page does it actually say Shiki was intended to be an Admiral, you concluding something and it actually being stated are two completely different things.

Still, using your logic, Admirals are as weak as PTS Lucci at most, Aokiji was intended to be a CP9 agent, not even CP0 lmfao
Did you know that Shiki the man who rivaled Roger was originally supposed to be a Navy Admiral?

Here are Oda's sketches from Magazine 9

It says "Golden Lion" on the left

Original Admiral trio was Shiki/Sengoku/Akainu

Yet another proof that Admirals=Yonko since that same character went on to be a Yonko caliber pirate :cheers:
Hell didn´t know it, great info to know.
So Kong was fleet admiral and the other been the trio:
Kong>Fleet Admiral
Shiki,Sengoku and Akainu>Admirals
A deadly combo, but Oda change it later on with Sengoku-Zephry and?? I feel like the third admiral was a important character, wouldn´t be surprise if Dragon was the third Admiral back then.

But if you also noticed this:
Since that Oda planned a trio having covered all devilfruit types, make me believe he will used it this time with Fujitora(funny how his power is even similar to Shiki one).
So im pretty sure Aramaki is about to get a zoan, like Mystic zoan>God of Forest or something.

The translation I found on the Internet
The initial design of some characters from oda

- Kuzan (Aokiji) was previously a member of "CP9" and was supposed to be the chairman of CP9.
- Aokiji when he joined the Navy at a young age was called a "soldier's monster".
- Three marin's Admirals were supposed to be shiki (Golden Lion), Akainu ( Sakazuki
) and Sengoku (Buddha).
As I said, nowhere on that page does it actually say Shiki was intended to be an Admiral, you concluding something and it actually being stated are two completely different things.
Intellectual dishonesty at its finest
3 Navy officers presented as a trio and by their ephitet hmmmm I wonder what rank they could have uh?

Still, using your logic, Admirals are as weak as PTS Lucci at most, Aokiji was intended to be a CP9 agent, not even CP0 lmfao
This kind of argument falls flat when Mother Caramel literally suggested Big Mom could join Cipher Pol
CP agents don't have a strength cap and I never said they do
But you're the one who keep arguing Admirals do
As I said, nowhere on that page does it actually say Shiki was intended to be an Admiral, you concluding something and it actually being stated are two completely different things.

Still, using your logic, Admirals are as weak as PTS Lucci at most, Aokiji was intended to be a CP9 agent, not even CP0 lmfao
Never thought I’d say this but a cp9 agent mid diffs Big Meme
This is a revelation

and oh btw, cp9 > Buggy
