Character Discussion Most forced characters Oda desperately wants you to like

I’ll come out as an ardent Jinbe hater. His position on the crew is forced af, crew made it to Skypeia, FMI and WCI without a helmsman, there’s zero reason Franky can’t steer the ship that he literally fucking created himself. Jinbe is like Mihawk, top of his field, only no one of note practices Fishman Karate and he lacks the sass and arrogance that endear Mihawk to a large portion of the fanbase. He’s a poor imitation of a character from within his own original faction, bland as unseasoned tofu. Don’t really know why people like him other than for Luffy handjobbing.

Loden has been mentioned many times so I won’t even go into that turd burger dumpster fire of a character.

Yamatrash is also incredibly forced, character makes no sense given that she seems to have spent zero effort in actually trying to imitate Oden, except for in the brain damage department. Has not so much as picked up a sword and tried to learn his iconic Nitoryuu, instead she gets others killed because she’s not smart to pretend to submit to Kaido and undermine him from within. Nope! Gotta just keep screaming and whinging like the brain dead Loden cumslut that she is.


The only one who can beat me is me
Yamatrash is also incredibly forced, character makes no sense given that she seems to have spent zero effort in actually trying to imitate Oden, except for in the brain damage department. Has not so much as picked up a sword and tried to learn his iconic Nitoryuu, instead she gets others killed because she’s not smart to pretend to submit to Kaido and undermine him from within. Nope! Gotta just keep screaming and whinging like the brain dead Loden cumslut that she is.
Lmfao chill 😭😭 didn't need to go nuclear on her like that in broad daylight, there's Yamato fans on this site.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Damn, so much Jinbe hatred. =(
My problem with Jinbe is that I think Oda stalled way too much to make him join the crew. Had him done it after FI, maybe it would have been enough time to make Jinbe "fit the crew" a little better.
But, as of now, I think Jinbe would have been better more as an ally than as a crewmember.


For me it's Momonusuke.

Other's are still bearable and atleast have some feat under their belt without unneccasry crying.
Basically almost all the side-characters he creates for a new island. He creates a lot of them,but only 2% of them are actually great characters. I dont know,Toto from Alabasta,remember him? He didnt appear very much,but he was great! Tama is great too. Wiper is great. Other characters like,i dont know: Laki,O-Toko,King Baum or Pound are just lame imho.


Lazy is the way
King was also a bit forced

His design was like : what the audience like ? Find « badass » ? Let’s put everything in the pot and mix it : leather, black color, spikes, fire, sword, a mask, an evil quiet persona etc etc

For me it didn’t work at all design wise. It was quite bland. Especially coming just after Katakuri who had some similarities yet a special/original design.

I think overall Oda did an overage job with King whole character. Either character, design, powers etc.

The only good things are his true face and some of his hybrid moves who were fun kingufy


Talent is something you make bloom.
King was also a bit forced

His design was like : what the audience like ? Find « badass » ? Let’s put everything in the pot and mix it : leather, black color, spikes, fire, sword, a mask, an evil quiet persona etc etc

For me it didn’t work at all design wise. It was quite bland. Especially coming just after Katakuri who had some similarities yet a special/original design.

I think overall Oda did an overage job with King whole character. Either character, design, powers etc.

The only good things are his true face and some of his hybrid moves who were fun kingufy
I think King was fine. I like the "walmart Geralt" :suresure:
His problem is that Oda just tried to throw a bunch of "lore" on King's back at the last 20% of the character's panel time and called it a day.
Should have been spread a bit more throughout Wano.


Lazy is the way
I think King was fine. I like the "walmart Geralt" :suresure:
His problem is that Oda just tried to throw a bunch of "lore" on King's back at the last 20% of the character's panel time and called it a day.
Should have been spread a bit more throughout Wano.
Same with the whole : torture lover etc
Oda just quit that idea.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Can't wait when BB is the only one in his crew with thw revealed bounty, titanic captains in vivre card
And being haki users.
Don't forget that "being a haki user" is only confirmed in VC's.
Never forget the shit show here when people were crying that the Flying 6 or Calamities weren't Haki users because it wasn't "shown" on the manga.