The whole Monet fight he was holding back against so much, that even Monet noticed that he never once tried to injure her
That's right, Zoro was holding back against her more, than when he fights fodder:
Because of that
Robin gets stabbed, children are in danger and Chopper & Nami almost get killed
We know Zoro can one shot her easily
Ye he doesn't because.... she's a woman?
which goes against his whole thing with Kuina
Then he proceeds to sit around while his crew is danger and needs help while time is running out:
And then the biggest wtf moment. Out of nowhere, he is fine with injuring Monet. Wtf was then the point of not trying to injure her before?
This guys has no consistent morals/code whatsoever:
Oh, then there's this goody:
"Take things seriously! This is the New World!"
Proceeds to:
Then there is this recent one where he is acknowledges that King's fighting style is just the way he fights best, and that Zoro will follow his example and would try to kill King by ripping his throat out with his teeth
just for later to complain that King doesn't use a sword to kill him. Apparently King needs to fight the way Zoro wants
In short:
This character is ass
That's right, Zoro was holding back against her more, than when he fights fodder:

Because of that
Robin gets stabbed, children are in danger and Chopper & Nami almost get killed

We know Zoro can one shot her easily

Ye he doesn't because.... she's a woman?

which goes against his whole thing with Kuina

Then he proceeds to sit around while his crew is danger and needs help while time is running out:

And then the biggest wtf moment. Out of nowhere, he is fine with injuring Monet. Wtf was then the point of not trying to injure her before?
This guys has no consistent morals/code whatsoever:

Oh, then there's this goody:

"Take things seriously! This is the New World!"
Proceeds to:
- hold back against Monet for no reason
- sit around while his crew is in danger from poison gas, Monet
- job to a fox
- play around with Apoo while Chopper needs the antidote ASAP
Then there is this recent one where he is acknowledges that King's fighting style is just the way he fights best, and that Zoro will follow his example and would try to kill King by ripping his throat out with his teeth
just for later to complain that King doesn't use a sword to kill him. Apparently King needs to fight the way Zoro wants

In short:
This character is ass