Character Discussion Zoro's character is a walking contradiction

is Zoro a good character?

  • no

    Votes: 25 29.4%
  • yes

    Votes: 60 70.6%

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The whole Monet fight he was holding back against so much, that even Monet noticed that he never once tried to injure her
That's right, Zoro was holding back against her more, than when he fights fodder:

Because of that
Robin gets stabbed, children are in danger and Chopper & Nami almost get killed

We know Zoro can one shot her easily

Ye he doesn't because.... she's a woman?

which goes against his whole thing with Kuina

Then he proceeds to sit around while his crew is danger and needs help while time is running out:

And then the biggest wtf moment. Out of nowhere, he is fine with injuring Monet. Wtf was then the point of not trying to injure her before?
This guys has no consistent morals/code whatsoever:

Oh, then there's this goody:

"Take things seriously! This is the New World!"

Proceeds to:
  • hold back against Monet for no reason
  • sit around while his crew is in danger from poison gas, Monet
  • job to a fox
  • play around with Apoo while Chopper needs the antidote ASAP

Then there is this recent one where he is acknowledges that King's fighting style is just the way he fights best, and that Zoro will follow his example and would try to kill King by ripping his throat out with his teeth
just for later to complain that King doesn't use a sword to kill him. Apparently King needs to fight the way Zoro wants

In short:
This character is ass
What does it say about a character when even Luffy doesn't trust him as a crewmember and would rather trust literal strangers over him, and actively try to kill his crewmember when he never even went that far with villains of the arc?

Luffy didn't even wanna hear him out...

Mind you, this is the same Luffy that would 100% sacrifice his dream for his crewmember and have 100% trust in them
He is a pirate and a badass, he can do whatever the fuck he wants whenever he wants. He let Hyuozou go in Fishman Island because he had lost the will to fight (or so it seemed to Zoro) but then obliterated the guy seconds later. He did not want to fight/hurt Monet, he saved his crewmates, his crewmates went on their way. Tashigi thought she could beat Monet so Zoro waited for her but when she was about to lose he had to step in.

I don't know why people are so obsessed with 'character development' and heroes showing weaknesses and shit like that. Zoro showed it earlier when he was losing to Kuina and when he lost to Mihawk. He does not need to show that any more. He is a man and proud one now, you can call it generic shonen badass character but it is not like such characters do not exist in the real world.

The Apoo thing is what you call plot, there were certain plotlines that needed for the virus to not be immediately in the hands of Chopper so that's why it was delayed.

Agree with the vs King point, he should not be complaining about King trying to beat him in whatever way seems best to King since this is not a duel of any sort.
That is the thing man lol. If you focus a bit you will actually notice that Kid Zoro never cared about gender but what Kuina told him about "women becoming weak when they grow up" that what made him act the way he is now. why?

Because when Kuina died Zoro started acting that way. So he had to believe that women are weak. And throughout the story you will see Zoro mentions "She is a woman" "the weak" "there are things i don't want to cut"

This is not a contradiction because its an actual issue that he keeps facing in his travels and Oda never forgot about it. Will it have a pay off later? Who knows
He is a pirate and a badass, he can do whatever the fuck he wants whenever he wants
That doesn't mean his character can do whatever it wants.

If out of nowhere he started deep throating his swords down baby's mouth or not care about being WSS or treating swords like garbage, it would go against his established character
He did not want to fight/hurt Monet
Why? That's the point of the post.

Why in his character did he not want to hurt Monet? Why was he acting like Sanji (who has a reason for not hitting women)
Just for later be okay with injuring her cheek?
I don't know why people are so obsessed with 'character development' and heroes showing weaknesses and shit like that
No one is obsessed with this.

I'm just pointing out how his character is a contradiction
The Apoo thing is what you call plot, there were certain plotlines that needed for the virus to not be immediately in the hands of Chopper so that's why it was delayed.
Still happened. Zoro played around when he could've ended it from the start and helped Chopper.
The same Monet who ragdoll Luffy was no threat to Zoro :suresure::suresure::suresure:
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Only 13 years old kiddos likes this cringe edgelord

Imagine liking a clown who fights with a sword in his mouth
Imagine liking a character who preys on underage girls, molests his own crewmates, go back from his own motto, a character whose entire existence is developed on being a thirsty retarded being
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well his dream is a big contradiction too, said world greatest swordsman, but the person who holds the tittle, wasn't even relevant in the land of swordsmen, also who did the guy beat to earned the tittle? probably clash wuth Don krieg level swordsman. then proclaim itself greatest.
Shanks= Don kreig :suresure::suresure:
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