If Oda wrote a One Piece Spinoff, what would be the best spinoff series?

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Why Shanks is always jumping around?
Man is the most active Yonko, literally.
We have not seen any one being this active.
He is serious about getting the One Piece.

I can read a separate manga for Shanks. Oda should have made one for him instead of that Sanji cooking manga @BleakAsh
Considering that in the first chapter he teleported out of nowhere to Luffy's side

maybe he has some kinda of power like that
MarineTards are out of control.
Now that we learned that the bozos that are called « admirals » could not even prevent Sabo & co of saving their friends, they are trying hard to cope by denigrating the most powerful character of this manga aka Waido. :ihaha:
what ? You are telling me that Kaido did not want to kill his daughter ? How dare him, Fujitora > Laido. :kuzanope:
How the fuck is Shanks not dead yet... Blackbeard is my only hope for One Piece but I'm sure Oda will ruin him soon.

Why the actual fuck does Shanks want with the one piece.

Scabbards and yamahoe vs Gb..

Why is sabo called emperor of flames? Mf got captured lol

We've been set up.

Wano is the worst arc ever
One piece is the worst manga ever
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